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Country of Zanna
Dillon0909Date: Mo, 31.October.11, 4:55 PM | Message # 1
Group: Administrators
Messages: 34688
Status: Off
I held my head in pain and looked around. I was in some sort area. This was so weird...I remember...something attacking me, gun shots, and men in black knocking me out. I looked around and to my horror, I saw a woman dressed in old time clothing, who was nearly transparent.

She began talking "Welcome to the man made contry of Zanna, I am it's original owner and creator Gertrud Yontre, I prefer the Phantom of Zanna. You are probably confused so I'll explain." She cleared her throat and said "Due to some means, you became a member of the supernatural comunity, this country exists to keep both sides happy so to speak. Normal people get to have normal lives, and supernatural creatures exist with out the fear of being destroyed. Judging by how fast your bite mark on your leg healed I say you are now a Werewolf."

I looked at her confused "Werewolf? Okay...WHAT?!"

She sighed and said "I know this is a little hard to belive but you are indeed now a werewolf. Through our research there are 6 factions of the supernatural comunity: Vampire, Werewolf, Zombie, Ghost, Dragon Creature, and Man Made." She then pointed to two charts "However there are rumors of Angels and Demons, however none are on this island.

Each have there own comuity strength and weaknesses:

Vampires: are awake at night, drink mostly animal blood, and have a coven. They are weak against garlic, crosses, and well...a sharp pointy stick. They own the only castle in the contry, and live a very privlaged life style.

Werewolves: Live in a cave close to the Vampires, don't really have much but they are happy that way, We feed them animals because it keeps them happy, and they are weak against anything silver. Both Vampires and Werewolves hate each other, and both sides have banned each other from even seeing each other.

Zombies: they do live in the grave and we...admittly hand them fake humans so they can rip them apart

Ghosts: Live whenever they want, and don't eat, and are invincible to all melee attack.

Dragon Creatures: are humans that are half Dragon and half human. They have a private mountain tops, and come down rarely

Man Made: They like ghosts live when ever they want...and retty much live a normal life out side of being created by men.

Angels have been rumored to live on a cloud, and Demons have been rumored to live underground but it is a rumor."

She looked at me and said "Welcome to Zanna, werewolf, have a nice day."

Chareter Sheet:

Species(See above):
Ablities(For Vampires/Angels/Demons/Dragon Creatures only. Extra ability)

Name: Donoven "Donny" Bards
Age: 18
Appeance: Black jeans, black jacket, black shirt, and a wolf paw amulet.
Species: Werewolf
Bio: (See above)
Ablities: Traditional Werewolf abilities
Extra: Is the newest entrant to the island.

I love Spooky Crap :D
NarutardDate: Sa, 08.September.12, 4:20 PM | Message # 4376
The Reaper of Threads
Group: Co-Dictators
Messages: 57234
Status: Off

Tis now the very witching time of night when hell itself breathes contagion
Dillon0909Date: Sa, 08.September.12, 4:28 PM | Message # 4377
Group: Administrators
Messages: 34688
Status: Off


"John Matthias" I said looking at him, thrilled about having a new creature on the island. "Welcome to the Country of Zanna, I am its founder Greta Yountre."


I grabbed Fangs fist, as he tried for a punch than shoved him down, laying him flat on his back. "That punch was sloppy, try it again with more speed"

I love Spooky Crap :D
NarutardDate: Sa, 08.September.12, 4:30 PM | Message # 4378
The Reaper of Threads
Group: Co-Dictators
Messages: 57234
Status: Off
(No Dillon, he's Donny and Lily's neighbor)

Tis now the very witching time of night when hell itself breathes contagion
Dillon0909Date: Sa, 08.September.12, 4:37 PM | Message # 4379
Group: Administrators
Messages: 34688
Status: Off
Oh okay than, and Greta's a girl)


"Look, I know this will be a bit of a shock for you" I said quietly. "But, you are now a member of the supernatural community." I floated to him, and looked at his neck. "Judging by those bite marks, I can easily say you are now a vampire." I floated back to the desk an smiled. "Don't worry, you're not gonna go and drain all the blood from a 200 mile radious, if anything you're really lucky, the Vampires have a castle." I said looking at him. "First, let me tell you about the diffrent species of creatures on the island" I explained in full to him, what I told Donny ten years ago." I cleared my throat "Now than, any questions?"


I grabbed Fang's fist again. "Again, to slow...a bit faster this time though so good job there" I than pushed him down again. "However, not good enough"

I love Spooky Crap :D
NarutardDate: Sa, 08.September.12, 4:37 PM | Message # 4380
The Reaper of Threads
Group: Co-Dictators
Messages: 57234
Status: Off
(Oh, wait, I read that wrong, sorry, I'm too focused on mah Zelda. Check out the conterst rules and I'll be on in two hours smile And Dillon, Greta's mine, remember?)
I sighed quietly. Really?

Tis now the very witching time of night when hell itself breathes contagion
SunkernDate: Sa, 08.September.12, 4:45 PM | Message # 4381
Colonel general
Group: Users
Messages: 1212
Status: Off
(since like everything is going on here, can i join?)

Sit in the motherfucking chair!
Dillon0909Date: Sa, 08.September.12, 4:45 PM | Message # 4382
Group: Administrators
Messages: 34688
Status: Off
(oh sorry, you can have her back after I'm done)


I saw Fang about to keel over. "Okay, break time, I think dinners almost done"


"No, no, you don't sparkel...infact we don't concider those guys Vampires" I said looking at him. "For more information about what you are now, I think you should speak with the head of the Clan, Kyle Rose"

I love Spooky Crap :D
Dillon0909Date: Sa, 08.September.12, 4:46 PM | Message # 4383
Group: Administrators
Messages: 34688
Status: Off
(again sure)

I love Spooky Crap :D
Dillon0909Date: Sa, 08.September.12, 4:52 PM | Message # 4384
Group: Administrators
Messages: 34688
Status: Off

"No need" I said walking to him. "I'm Kyle Rose, the head of the clan. I came here to see if Greta got the blood for us, a pleasure to meet you."

Greta sighed "You just ordered it yesterday, Kyle!" She groaned "It will be here tommarow, it always is so relax, show this young man around"

I sighed "Fine" I said looking at him. "Come on, you're whole life is about to change forever"

I love Spooky Crap :D
Dillon0909Date: Sa, 08.September.12, 4:59 PM | Message # 4385
Group: Administrators
Messages: 34688
Status: Off

I sighed and kept walking to the castle.

(g2g bye bye)

I love Spooky Crap :D
SunkernDate: Sa, 08.September.12, 5:11 PM | Message # 4386
Colonel general
Group: Users
Messages: 1212
Status: Off
Name: Pierce Maiden
Age: 19
Species(See above): Vampire
Bio: muuurrghggghfhgfhgfh tbr when im not sick
Ablities: Can summon raven flocks to do his biddings.
Extra: Nothing really

Sit in the motherfucking chair!
SunkernDate: Sa, 08.September.12, 6:35 PM | Message # 4387
Colonel general
Group: Users
Messages: 1212
Status: Off
(Y not?)

Sit in the motherfucking chair!
NarutardDate: Sa, 08.September.12, 7:09 PM | Message # 4388
The Reaper of Threads
Group: Co-Dictators
Messages: 57234
Status: Off
(That's right, btw, Lily is an Ice Master)

Tis now the very witching time of night when hell itself breathes contagion
SunkernDate: Sa, 08.September.12, 11:32 PM | Message # 4389
Colonel general
Group: Users
Messages: 1212
Status: Off
(let me be me jerk)

Sit in the motherfucking chair!
Dillon0909Date: Mo, 10.September.12, 10:10 AM | Message # 4390
Group: Administrators
Messages: 34688
Status: Off
(hey no fighting, or your both off the thread.

Sun is accepted)


I walked into the door of the castle.

I love Spooky Crap :D
NarutardDate: Mo, 10.September.12, 7:11 PM | Message # 4391
The Reaper of Threads
Group: Co-Dictators
Messages: 57234
Status: Off
(Eyyy....someone should notice Lily's portrait wink Her bein' princess and all)
I looked up. "I don't approve." I said simply.

Tis now the very witching time of night when hell itself breathes contagion
SunkernDate: Mo, 10.September.12, 7:26 PM | Message # 4392
Colonel general
Group: Users
Messages: 1212
Status: Off
(i was joking aha)
(how should i start :I)

Sit in the motherfucking chair!
Dillon0909Date: Tu, 11.September.12, 10:27 AM | Message # 4393
Group: Administrators
Messages: 34688
Status: Off

"Thats my daughter" I said looking at the portrait. "She was the princess, but she chose to give up her power by marring a werewolf named Donny"


"I couldn't really tell him no" I said to Lily quietly.

I love Spooky Crap :D
Dillon0909Date: Tu, 11.September.12, 2:13 PM | Message # 4394
Group: Administrators
Messages: 34688
Status: Off
(This post is for Raz if he ever gets on)


I was still looking at my scars I got from that man. Malice walked up to me and sighed. "I don't know how to feel about it, but the Hybrid children have dissapeared."

I looked at her. "Who was that man we fought?"

"A family friend of theres, Razerel." Leader said to me point blank. "One of the toughest Vampires out there, and not much is really known about it"

"He hurt me..." I said quietly. "I want to fight badly." I finally stood. "Leader...forgive me for disobeying my duty...I will find him...and I will fight him" I walked away from her, going to search the island for him.

I love Spooky Crap :D
NarutardDate: Tu, 11.September.12, 6:40 PM | Message # 4395
The Reaper of Threads
Group: Co-Dictators
Messages: 57234
Status: Off
(I thought I controlled Malice also...)
I sighed. "If you get caught, everything was for naught, do you understand me Donovan Bards?" I said quietly, eyes flashing a cold blue.

(Wait, she forsook her throne by marrying Donny? When did this happen?)

Tis now the very witching time of night when hell itself breathes contagion
Dillon0909Date: We, 12.September.12, 10:07 AM | Message # 4396
Group: Administrators
Messages: 34688
Status: Off
(I thought we all agreed on that)


I nodded "Yes mam" I than sighed "By the way...changing eye colors like that isn't exactly concidered normal here"


"Okay, lets get some things out of the way first, by denouncing some of the sterotypes" I said looking at him. "Okay, first...You can see your reflection." I than sighed "Second, we drink Animal blood not human blood, all though I hear Human blood is quite tasty." I looked at him dead in the eye. "Finally, and most importantly is about the sun. Zanna has an artifical sun screen so we don't get destroyed by the suns rays, however, sunlight does make us alot weaker, so I suggest you get used to getting up at night"

(The Sun does not affect Lilly, Fang and Keira because of the collers)

I love Spooky Crap :D
NarutardDate: We, 12.September.12, 10:04 PM | Message # 4397
The Reaper of Threads
Group: Co-Dictators
Messages: 57234
Status: Off
I snapped back to normal and stepped back. "I...what?" I whispered, mortified.

Tis now the very witching time of night when hell itself breathes contagion
Dillon0909Date: Th, 13.September.12, 10:24 AM | Message # 4398
Group: Administrators
Messages: 34688
Status: Off
(oh well sorry about that than)


"Its happening now thirsty?"


"Stay calm" I said to her point blank. "We both need to stay calm"

I love Spooky Crap :D
NarutardDate: Th, 13.September.12, 5:48 PM | Message # 4399
The Reaper of Threads
Group: Co-Dictators
Messages: 57234
Status: Off
"Well you know, you can readjust easily!" I hissed, blinking back tears. "I haven't known anything outside of Ganna!"

Tis now the very witching time of night when hell itself breathes contagion
SunkernDate: Th, 13.September.12, 9:36 PM | Message # 4400
Colonel general
Group: Users
Messages: 1212
Status: Off
(Really, any ideas where I can begin?)

Sit in the motherfucking chair!