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Forum moderator: Narutard  
A Quest for power.
Dillon0909Date: Fr, 18.January.13, 3:33 AM | Message # 2626
Group: Administrators
Messages: 34688
Status: Off
(would...actually like a revival of this thread)

I love Spooky Crap :D
NarutardDate: Mo, 18.February.13, 3:43 PM | Message # 2627
The Reaper of Threads
Group: Co-Dictators
Messages: 57234
Status: Off
(a revival would be nice but I don't like choices)

Tis now the very witching time of night when hell itself breathes contagion
Dillon0909Date: Su, 17.March.13, 4:56 PM | Message # 2628
Group: Administrators
Messages: 34688
Status: Off
(we can do without )

I love Spooky Crap :D