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The Velkar
Dillon0909Date: Th, 14.July.11, 0:13 AM | Message # 1
Group: Administrators
Messages: 34688
Status: Off
The Velkar; legendary and beings that use to be the most powerful beings on Earth. Velkar are angels, not just any angels, they were elemental controlers. There were 7 different groups of Velkar, each based on one of the 7 elements: Light, Darkness, Fire, Earth, Water, Weather, and Ice. Despite their differences, they lived in peace...for awhile. Eventually, their differences began to take hold and war started. Thousands died, and their beautiful land was destroyed, but neither of the 7 sides won. For the humans took advantage of this and destroyed that last remaining Velkar. Or at least what they thought to be the last.

3,000 years later, the Velkar are nothing but a myth to the humans. But there are still a few left, but scattered, hiding their true forms and struggling to survive and remain hiden at the same time. There are many stories among the scattered Velkar of how their race came to be almost extinct, though only few know what really happend....

(NOTE: If you decide to roleplay as a human, you CAN NOT start out knowing about the Velkar, but you can find out later while roleplaying.)

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Velkar (Velkar only):
Race (Human or Velkar):
Element (Velkar only, you can only control one element: Light, Darkness, Fire, Weather, Ice, Water, or Earth):

I love Spooky Crap :D
Ilovedogs2Date: Tu, 29.November.11, 2:50 AM | Message # 1851
A bored admin
Group: Co-Dictators
Messages: 35950
Status: Off

"Great..." I Said sighing.

It's time.
Dillon0909Date: Tu, 29.November.11, 2:52 AM | Message # 1852
Group: Administrators
Messages: 34688
Status: Off
(So have you checked out my thread yet?)


"But the doctor is nothing like that...infact...he wanted to let us go"

I love Spooky Crap :D
Ilovedogs2Date: Tu, 29.November.11, 2:56 AM | Message # 1853
A bored admin
Group: Co-Dictators
Messages: 35950
Status: Off

"Really.? Cool." I Said sitting now.

It's time.
Dillon0909Date: Tu, 29.November.11, 3:01 AM | Message # 1854
Group: Administrators
Messages: 34688
Status: Off
(saw that you posted)


I smiled and said 'Sure..." It was quiet as we sailed and I said "Storm...are you....angry...that I still love...Coldren"

I love Spooky Crap :D
Ilovedogs2Date: Tu, 29.November.11, 3:09 AM | Message # 1855
A bored admin
Group: Co-Dictators
Messages: 35950
Status: Off

"No." I Said.

It's time.
Dillon0909Date: Tu, 29.November.11, 3:19 AM | Message # 1856
Group: Administrators
Messages: 34688
Status: Off

I sighed "Then why haven't you talked to me since we got back"

I love Spooky Crap :D
Ilovedogs2Date: Tu, 29.November.11, 10:46 AM | Message # 1857
A bored admin
Group: Co-Dictators
Messages: 35950
Status: Off

"Not much to talk about." I Said.

It's time.
Dillon0909Date: Tu, 29.November.11, 11:56 AM | Message # 1858
Group: Administrators
Messages: 34688
Status: Off

I sighed and said "Why doesn't it bother you then"

I love Spooky Crap :D
Ilovedogs2Date: Tu, 29.November.11, 7:19 PM | Message # 1859
A bored admin
Group: Co-Dictators
Messages: 35950
Status: Off

"Used to the quietness really..." I Said shrugging.

It's time.
Dillon0909Date: Tu, 29.November.11, 7:30 PM | Message # 1860
Group: Administrators
Messages: 34688
Status: Off

I smiled and said "Thanks"

I love Spooky Crap :D
Ilovedogs2Date: Tu, 29.November.11, 7:46 PM | Message # 1861
A bored admin
Group: Co-Dictators
Messages: 35950
Status: Off

"Flames usually isn't this quiet...something is bothering her I know. But she isn't sharing." I Said changing the subject.

It's time.
Dillon0909Date: Tu, 29.November.11, 8:14 PM | Message # 1862
Group: Administrators
Messages: 34688
Status: Off

"I think it's because Aqua isn't proposing yet"

I love Spooky Crap :D
Ilovedogs2Date: Tu, 29.November.11, 8:44 PM | Message # 1863
A bored admin
Group: Co-Dictators
Messages: 35950
Status: Off

"I think she is thinking about her family." I Said.

It's time.
Dillon0909Date: Tu, 29.November.11, 8:51 PM | Message # 1864
Group: Administrators
Messages: 34688
Status: Off

"She had a family? Her mother is dead...remember?"

I love Spooky Crap :D
Ilovedogs2Date: Tu, 29.November.11, 8:56 PM | Message # 1865
A bored admin
Group: Co-Dictators
Messages: 35950
Status: Off

"Thinking back on them." I corrected myself.

(Brb in one hour. Orthodontist app.)

It's time.
Dillon0909Date: Tu, 29.November.11, 9:25 PM | Message # 1866
Group: Administrators
Messages: 34688
Status: Off


I looked at Storm and said "Oh..." I then blushed "Can you keep a secret. "

I love Spooky Crap :D
Ilovedogs2Date: Tu, 29.November.11, 9:29 PM | Message # 1867
A bored admin
Group: Co-Dictators
Messages: 35950
Status: Off

"Sure." I Said looking at her.

It's time.
Dillon0909Date: Tu, 29.November.11, 9:37 PM | Message # 1868
Group: Administrators
Messages: 34688
Status: Off

"I'm...her mother"

I love Spooky Crap :D
Ilovedogs2Date: Tu, 29.November.11, 9:51 PM | Message # 1869
A bored admin
Group: Co-Dictators
Messages: 35950
Status: Off

I just stared at her. "W...why didn't you tell her? She doesn't recognize you anymore." I Said.

It's time.
Dillon0909Date: We, 30.November.11, 1:00 AM | Message # 1870
Group: Administrators
Messages: 34688
Status: Off

I sighed and said "Because...I hate humans...and she....loves them. She's just liek her father"

I love Spooky Crap :D
Ilovedogs2Date: We, 30.November.11, 1:05 AM | Message # 1871
A bored admin
Group: Co-Dictators
Messages: 35950
Status: Off

"like them or not...she has changed greatly. When she was little when we found her, she would sometimes cry in her sleep and then denying it the next day. She was just a kid back then and just leaving her has a great impact. She wouldn't trust until after a few decades past. Was always afraid we'll leave her..." I said sighing as I looked out.

It's time.
Dillon0909Date: We, 30.November.11, 1:10 AM | Message # 1872
Group: Administrators
Messages: 34688
Status: Off

"I lost her father to humans, I didn't want to lose my only daughter...I left her..." I started to tear up. "I left my only daughter."

I love Spooky Crap :D
Ilovedogs2Date: We, 30.November.11, 1:17 AM | Message # 1873
A bored admin
Group: Co-Dictators
Messages: 35950
Status: Off

"even now...shade will sometimes find her alone somewhere a distance from our house and just sit there looking at the stars. She never admits it to anyone not even to aqua that she misses her parents..." I said trailing off into silence.


My feet were in the water as the waves crashed onto my legs as I sighed.

It's time.
Dillon0909Date: We, 30.November.11, 1:34 AM | Message # 1874
Group: Administrators
Messages: 34688
Status: Off

I walked to her and said " want to talk"


I looked away "That gives me more of a reason not to tell her...she'll hate me for the rest of her life"

I love Spooky Crap :D
Ilovedogs2Date: We, 30.November.11, 1:45 AM | Message # 1875
A bored admin
Group: Co-Dictators
Messages: 35950
Status: Off

"and yet she's your daughter Burn...she doesn't understand why you left her and why her father disappeared one day." I said.


"I'm fine shade." I said quietly.

It's time.