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Forum moderator: Narutard  
The Midnight Circus
RazDate: Th, 19.January.12, 11:19 PM | Message # 76
Group: Administrators
Messages: 5797
Status: Off
(Oh, okay.)
After a bit I reached my hands into my coat and left them there.

Persona Non Grata
NarutardDate: Th, 19.January.12, 11:22 PM | Message # 77
The Reaper of Threads
Group: Co-Dictators
Messages: 57234
Status: Off
(Can we just ts through the show cause I really can't think...)

Tis now the very witching time of night when hell itself breathes contagion
Ilovedogs2Date: Th, 19.January.12, 11:23 PM | Message # 78
A bored admin
Group: Co-Dictators
Messages: 35950
Status: Off
( sure.)

It's time.
RazDate: Th, 19.January.12, 11:38 PM | Message # 79
Group: Administrators
Messages: 5797
Status: Off
(Yeah,just TS.)

Persona Non Grata