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Forum moderator: Equinox  
The Fade
Creation100Date: Mo, 07.November.11, 10:11 PM | Message # 1
Group: Moderators
Messages: 3195
Status: Off
Okay ^^ First let me say it is a fantasy-medieval type roleplay and so I'll most likely place it under fantasy if I know people will like it.

The Fade is a place of which spirits roam and where people visit when they sleep. [This is most definitely off a game called Dragon Age. I miss it cry ]
Though some are able to to come into the fade with training, they're called Mages, when someone dies in the fade they merely wake up. Though under some cases a spirit called a demon is able to pass over with the Mage, through trickery such as a bargain or such. There are several different kinds of demons as well as spirits which reside within the fade.
For this you shall be a child who was chosen to be placed into the the Tower of Magi, if this is a blessing or a way to keep you under watch is unclear, though let it be known not many are gifted with magical abilities and those that are, drawl spirits to them.

Age: You'll need to be young, unless you're wishing to be a Paladin or one of the senior mages.
Race: Elves and Humans so far, I'd like to expand this..
Gender: Does this really matter, well nah not really.
Appearance: Physical attributes, you shouldn't be hugely muscular since a mage prefer a stronge mind over bronze.
Clothing: This does matter since there are several types of clothing, the most popular in the mage population is robes.
Biography: This will reveal what you had before you were at the Tower at home, or what you've accomplished while you lived in the tower.

There are several types of magic usage, though I don't find it important to place into the CS at least not right now, those who come into contact with a demon and are able to make a deal to learn magic of their caliber Blood mages, their magic is called Blood magic, that's all that's needed to know also that it's banned to use that sort of magic. ^^

She had a smile that could light up a room.
EquinoxDate: Tu, 08.November.11, 2:41 PM | Message # 2
Galaxy conquering warlord who likes to RP
Group: Administrators
Messages: 5940
Status: Off
If this is based off dragon age, are the Gray Wardens going to be involved? They specialize in a good bit of each, [i.e. ranged, melee, magic] so they wouldn't be in the tower unless they came to give support, or search for children to train to be Gray Wardens?

I might be getting pretty far off the story, I know. If there's no darkspawn, there's no Gray Wardens, so probably a no on both.


What part do you actually need to be collaborated on? It all seems nice and fine right now, to me.

A sane man in an insane world will go insane.
Creation100Date: Tu, 08.November.11, 6:36 PM | Message # 3
Group: Moderators
Messages: 3195
Status: Off
It's suppose to be evolved around the fade and how the fade works and such, so no Grey wardens wouldn't really be involved, the closest thing to a dark spawn would be a abomination, which comes from when a demon possess a body and becomes one with the host, though in some cases it doesn't work like that.

I figured I'd place it here to see if anyone would be able to help with a story and of course more races. I say story because after you've pass your tests then you're a Mage, what then it'd lose it's taste and die off.

She had a smile that could light up a room.
EquinoxDate: We, 09.November.11, 10:57 AM | Message # 4
Galaxy conquering warlord who likes to RP
Group: Administrators
Messages: 5940
Status: Off
So it's going to be about mages learning to fight the fade?

Perhaps we could make a variation of the gray wardens, strictly mage style? Perhaps they use a secret spell to absorb some of the fade, and such? Making them get cast from the fade, and wake up with resistance to the fade itself?

Perhaps it could be like "The academy" By cblack1999 I was in. It went far over 100 pages.

Where the academy/school you are at is a very large building, but A specific monster type from the fade has taken over the rest of the land, and you're area is the only place free from the monsters?

In the academy's place, it was ruo, a very creative creature that we manipulated to the fullest. So you need to make up a good monster from the fade that you can wide spread Manipulate to the fullest. Also, perhaps we can have a species of Ghost-paladin-humans that have dedicated their soul and mind to protecting the area itself from anything that comes this way, and only admins (People you appoint to it, anyone who you thought helped plenty, people you want as admin, anything you chose. etc.) have the option to be one?

A sane man in an insane world will go insane.
Creation100Date: Th, 10.November.11, 6:21 PM | Message # 5
Group: Moderators
Messages: 3195
Status: Off
Nah, I think I'll just trash the idea. ^^' Thanks for the help anyhow Equinox.

She had a smile that could light up a room.
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