Equinox | Date: Tu, 28.May.13, 1:09 AM | Message # 1 |
 Galaxy conquering warlord who likes to RP
Group: Administrators
Messages: 5940
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| There are two circles. The Naturalism circle, and the Cataclysm circle.
The Naturalism circle is Earth over thunder, Thunder over water, water over fire, fire over growth, Growth over Earth.
The circles all contain power, but most do not comprehend the power of it, nor it's existence.
Well, to be exact, no one previously believed in the circle's harness-able power.
After the Cataclysm, cataclysmic energy was the most common harnessed power.
However, as the circle dictates, the power most harnessed, is the power most weakly split.
So, no matter how powerful Cataclysmic users are, Naturalists are able to become stronger.
However, there is a select few, typically part of the three royal families, who can harness elements from both circles, without division restriction.
These select few, are called alchemists. They can transmute or nearly infinitely divide anything, ignoring the need for power drawing or regeneration of energy. Alchemists can pull power from anything and everything, and can use any element, or gain a practically infinite increase their power, in two elements, one from each circle.
Back to the topic of the royal families, there are two kinds of Alchemist families; A full circle family, a family who uses both circles and all elements, and exponential families, families who use two elements.
Exponential families are typically named after their dual elements, but lower, non-royal families may not be.
The five royal families from top to lowest, in order: Tasdin Dragons, a full circle family. -The father and current leader, Lord Gwyn Tasdin, the Dragon of the Cataclysm circle. Supposedly defeated a dragon. His portrait -The only son and next in line, Zhao Tasdin, the dragon child. Supposedly linked to actual dragons. His portrait -The only daughter, Gwyndolin Tasdin, the treasure child. Regarded as one of the most beautiful in the land. Her portrait
Darkflames, a Exponential family. -The Father and leader, Mishoden Darkflame -The mother, Ariel Darkflame -The First son, Mark Darkflame -The second son, Alrick Darkflame -The only daughter, Milaya Darkflame
Gathin Phoenixes, a full circle family. -Mother and leader, Taria Gathin -Only son, Xin Gathin -Only daughter, Brevia Gathin
Our story is about Rolland Griskin, a human alchemist that lived outside the royal families. Born in the small town of Pewterburn, Rolland lives with his mother, Terra, young sister, Hannah, and younger brother, Vinny.
A sane man in an insane world will go insane.
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