Delth Time, Organizations and Weapons.
Creation100 | Date: Sa, 18.August.12, 5:03 PM | Message # 1 |
Group: Moderators
Messages: 3195
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| Groups/Organizations- Delth Empire- Formerly a corporation called Delth corp. The empire is a advanced civilization constructed from Hallas Delth's flying structure, "The Capital".
Emperor- The voice and hand of the Empire. Hallas Delth currently holds this title. When death occurs the Emperor title is passed to the Champion for a short period where the Imperial council will decide on a new ruler.
Imperial Champion- The Champion is the second voice in the empire. Chosen by dueling the emperor and winning fairly. Not many people are able to compete in a duel though. One of the few people with the empire's system which has free rights.
Imperial Council- Is the title given to the men who allied with the Delth Corp during the Great War. One of the highest positions in politics, currently 12 members are in the Council including AI Miles.
Pilots- Are units in the empire, they're usually picked by AI miles and have little to no skill in piloting a mech. They constantly drop out to become a policing unit seeing the pay difference. With this rank they are given a poison which keeps them loyal to the empire, dropping out of the military doesn't kill the Pilot just switching sides.
Knights- Are the advanced units and the backbone of the empire's army and development. Knights are chosen by the Imperial Council and AI Miles.The Empire will pay for you to construct your own mech. Also with this rank, the poison given to the knight as a pilot enhances the person giving them a special power. Sadly, even with the poison corruption within the rank is big.
Royal Knights- Soldiers chosen personally by Hallas or his Champion. These units aren't chosen but every five or so years. At this rank the poison develops to where dropping out even kills the person though reaching this rank you're usually too old to start a new pathway, plus the advantages of power isn't bad nor the pay grade.
A.I. Group- These are machines which have been constructed with minds of their own. Some are created by people or by other AIs. Under Empire rule they have basic core laws to keep from harming others. AI Miles is the most renown artificial intelligence. Others are in industries such as Policing, manufacturing, and often used in programming.
Groups against Delth Empire- Mostly considered stupid to stand against the empire. Though some still find a way to stand against them through weaponry outside their imperial coding. Still many stand against people of power, so not all are named.
Rebels- People who've experienced a corrupt official will know why to join this subgroup. With the help of the Wolves people have gained a strange power such as a Imperial Knight does. People who gain these powers usually have fellow rebels for life.
Black Wolves- This group has the respect of being known as the Killers of a Delth. After Miles's death Halls was deeply changed. Though the Wolves hardly ever personally attack the empire.
Enforcers- Order military group which was formed by former members of groups the Great War had destroyed. One of the most renown members is Davis Hawkin, a former general in G.E. The Enforcers are not primarily against the Empire though all groups which tend to cause chaos within the world. Their goal is to strive for peace for all.
Releasable Technologies- Before the empire was made the main economy was for war products everything else wasn't as valuable in the market. Now the technologies are going more for welfare and food production.
Nanotechnology- Engineering of functional systems at the molecular scale. Miles had constructed a nanomachine system for a pilot back during the early years of the Capital, his body was nearly invincible. Finally Miles used the machines for a defense system, working magically.
Volt Tags- These can be lethal on human sending out a spark through the victim's systems, though if used on a mech the device drains the machine's power. This is primarily used as ammo for weapons.
Global Pending- This weapon was made from Hallas Delth's power to stop time. While at his death bed he has allowed Miles to examine it. It stops worldly functions which can be pinpointed to a specific molecule or region; though needs word from the emperor to be used, literally.
Neil Grenade- Cylinder weapon used for clearing a hostile area. Works as a flash bang and a pipe bomb all in one. Once thrown into a area and impacted onto a surface the lethal weapon 'hops' into the area and releases a flash at the same time it pumps out voltage tags.
Oath Imprecation- This device all pilots remember, right before entering the military pilots take the oath to serve. Some change their mind after seeing the machine though others are true patriots and loyal to the end. After leaving the military the 'poison' of the Oath will wear off to keep knights from causing uprisings. Though if once you're a Royal knight you cannot quit from there or you simply die, also trying to betray your nation by in way will cause death. One of the flaws of having power.
Mechs- There are several different sorts of mechs, only three of the empire's mechs will be named.
The Garret- Hallas Delth's primary mech used in his battle at the Great War. It is operated by two partners, a driver and a AI. Of course, Miles is the one mostly chosen to be used. Equipment details is restricted.
Police unit- These models are not used to fight a war or to be used in open mech battle. They are equipped for handling a crowd with nonlethal gas they also contain voltage tags. When force is needed they have sphere turrets embedded into the chest.
Gorean Unit- These were the first units that appeared on the battle ground of the Great War. It is a step up from the Police model and is also given to pilots for free. The Gorean model still utilizes the turrets and voltage tags. As a addition it has a rifle which is most useful in air and ground battle, along with that there are flight mechanisms in the mech's feet and back.
[I'd like to thank Debbie and Equinox for helping me with the Collaboration. I said I'd start this a few weeks back though never did so sorry. xD]
She had a smile that could light up a room.
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Equinox | Date: Sa, 18.August.12, 6:46 PM | Message # 2 |
 Galaxy conquering warlord who likes to RP
Group: Administrators
Messages: 5940
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| Do you want me to develop a mech equipment list at some point, perhaps, to help others with mech equipment?
A sane man in an insane world will go insane.
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Creation100 | Date: Sa, 18.August.12, 7:20 PM | Message # 3 |
Group: Moderators
Messages: 3195
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| If you'd want to. It'd probably organize things!
She had a smile that could light up a room.
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Equinox | Date: Sa, 18.August.12, 9:15 PM | Message # 4 |
 Galaxy conquering warlord who likes to RP
Group: Administrators
Messages: 5940
Status: Off
| Lemme just copy and paste the other post
mech weapons bio weapons and prototypes
Mech weapons:weapons on mechs.
Bio weapons:Poisons and other indirect weapons, typically gas-oriented or injection-style.
Mech weapons are any things that can be placed on a mecha, which is a large one-person fighting robot. The bastard blade:A simple sword arm. A long blade that scales 1:1 with the forearm's length. It goes straight out in a slit-form, then stretches going outward, then going straight again after the 1/8th forearm length stretch, into a downwards point. This blade can slice or stab equally well, although with the outward stretch at the blade, it makes sliding your blade out much faster and lighter to react afterwards.
Bio weapons are weapons that spread poisons and other statuses through gas or injections, typically. The poison needle:Able to fit on special mechs or as a bio-bomb, this weapon as a mech weapon will shoot large, armor piercing needle-like rounds at the enemy from a mini-gun like barrel on the arm. If one of these needles strikes through, it will release a poison into the mech, or if set to "weak" state of the gun, the rounds will act as EMPs, draining energy from the mech, much like poison to a human.
Prototype weapons are large caliber and heavy firepower weapons, that can cause devastating destruction, or little to no harm to anything. The FATS, Fire Across The Skies. This weapon is a detestation weapon if used correctly. It is a large laser rifle, typically longer than the average minigun, that fires a powerful laser which will burn through most armors, and leave a "Burn" status on anything it strikes, slowly burning away at it, until it either runs out of things to burn, or meets anything fireproof. This weapon can be used as a single shoulder weapon for a mech with one shot of ammo, or as a smaller scale rifle weapon, with massive kick, and three insanely explosive shots. Even the strongest of men are thrown by the kick of the FATS.
And continue from here, later
A sane man in an insane world will go insane.
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Ilovedogs2 | Date: Mo, 20.August.12, 2:04 AM | Message # 5 |
 A bored admin
Group: Co-Dictators
Messages: 35950
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| (Looks like I'll have to have 2 characters or...two is good enough.)
It's time.
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Ilovedogs2 | Date: Mo, 20.August.12, 8:08 PM | Message # 6 |
 A bored admin
Group: Co-Dictators
Messages: 35950
Status: Off
| What else do we need?
It's time.
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Equinox | Date: Tu, 21.August.12, 5:41 PM | Message # 7 |
 Galaxy conquering warlord who likes to RP
Group: Administrators
Messages: 5940
Status: Off
| Prototypes: The Harrowing Nega The HN appears as a regular scythe, but upon activating a flow of in it, in human sized form, this is done by a button, it activates raw light energy around it, which allows it to cut through almost anything, but it will deflect off other light-powered weapons, and it is solar powered, so it can retain the ability to activate for a while, but for a while after use, if you are still in the dark, it will lose it's power to activate, and will be a simple metal-generator scythe. Too weak to use as a weapon without it's power, because the metal is made to conduct light power in a raw focus around it, instead of being used to strike other objects. On a mech, this weapon can only go on the arm part, and it will drain power from a spare generator on the shoulder of the arm, a cord going down the arm, attaching to the hilt of the scythe, to power it.
The Shockwave: This cannon weapon uses pressurized air to create vibrations tuned to the earth, to cause a rupture at the targetted spot. You mark the spot with the small detachable light pointer, and this mortar-like weapon sends waves of air against the ground, causing an eruption of earth at the marked location. Will not fire if blast radius will have a chance of striking them. Signs of the weapon being used on your position are based around the ground under you. Small dots of dirt will bounce up and down on the ground, the ground will begin to crack, before the explosion of air fully releases.
The Shockwave v2: This version of the shockwave, uses pressurized air, that can project other such things from the ground. Perhaps you want sharp spikes to come from the ground? A special mixture of carbon and any type of liquid metal will cause metal spikes to shoot from the ground, upon eruption. Fire? Place a lava-filled object in the cannon-like insertion in the back, and watch the grill cook.
Mech weapons: The Angel's blade: The angels blade is a simple blade arm for a mech. It is stored on the under-side of the arm in a slit area for placement, (This can only come on mechs made standard for this weapon)which allows for the mech's hand to withdraw inside, and the blade to flip out, and lock in place, for battle. This blade can cut away at a mech slowly, but it cannot cut through all the way, on any part of the mech's body.
A sane man in an insane world will go insane.
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