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Forum moderator: Narutard  
Top Ten Favorite Charters to RP as (In all threads)
Dillon0909Date: Sa, 03.November.12, 3:57 PM | Message # 1
Group: Administrators
Messages: 34688
Status: Off
We've been doing both the site, AVD and alot of other threads for a very long time. So For fun I'm making 3 top ten lists. First is My favorite chareters to RP As, Than its my favorite chareters RPed as Other people, and finally its My favorite chareter interactions. SO without further ado, lets begin.

I am known as the man of 1000 threads. (No joke either 90% of threads in the graveyard are mine) So I have alot of chareters. While some of them never saw the light of day,others I have rped and loved and nurtuerd like a child. My rule personally is One chareter per thread because if I didn't add that rule...well this list would be populated by AVD excpet for one chareter. So without further ado, lets begin THIS IS MY TOP TEN FAVORITE CHARETERS TO RP!

#10: Tommy Honecerie from Criminal Minds: I can actually thank Narutard for this one actually, because orignally I had Tommy be...alot more of a jackass than how he ended up. Truthfully, though....i'm kind of glad he didn't. He has style, flare, class, dignity, honor, he's the all around bad boy, and I thank Naru for that because well...I appreciate that

#9: Zelton from Kingdom of Fantasy: How the hell did that thread die? I read though most of my threads before making this list, and I realized that well....HE"S THE PERFECT ANTI HERO!. For those who don't know, Zelton is a necromancer elf who goes on this journey to kill a king that wronged him, and truthfully...thats all he needed. He was freaking awsome! Next number before I change my mind

#8 Hunter Wolf from Sunset Wolf Claws; I'm techniaclly cheating with this one because technically he's a story charater not an RP Chareter but I love writing his material..I LOVE writing how perfectly straight badass he is. He's the first chareter that I wanted to make sure that I made him grow and devolp, and I think I did.

#7: Leo Vincent from The Year 3000: Ahh the Year 3000, one of my all time favorite threads that stunned me that it died, the main reason is...well Leo. Leo is the only technology guy amoungst a group of Magical users, and thats what I like, I wanted to make him the Underdog...and I acomplished this. (Okay admitally I mary sued him, but hey no ones perfect)

#6: Jaclyn Meido from Quest for Power: Jaclyn was...interesting. I wanted to make something of an Anti-Villain, a villain who does good things, and he ended up an Anti-Hero instead. This was no small part thanks to Lauren and her direction again. Nothing more to say here...next Number.

#5: Donovan "Donny" Bards from Country of Zanna: Donny is the perfect example of chareter devolpment. He starts out a guy out of his element and slowly becomes a man due to his experience, which I like.

#4 Frost from the Trinity: Like I said, Its probably cheating because he's in a story no an RP thread, however, I can't really stop myself from putting him on the list. Frost is basically my first experiment in RPing its because of him I got into it..and because of him I felt like this is my favorite hobby. I love him, and you probably gonna guess my next two easily

#3: Ulvon William Lonc from the Ulvon Series: No surprise here...I love this chareter...I love his abilities, and I love how he can be in any thread if I wished him too. He's adaptable, and he's perfectly kind. My first charter that I actually gave a damn about...my first real...anti-hero, and my first chareter I put on line.

#2 Cragus from AVD: Now I know this is a bit of a shock that he's not number one, however I'll explain that when we get to whose my number one. Cragus is my very first...just straight hero, and truthfully I'm grateful for that. He has great charter devolpment, no small part in thanks to Ilovedogs2 and Narutard. I admitaly mary sued him alot, but techinally I have to...hes the strongest chareter I've made. He's also the first father I've made too.

And my #1 favorite charter to rp is...

Natayla from Pirates Life: If you notice...how I rp...I tend to both Mary sue and make winey doucebags...who have so much angst I'm shocked I haven't written in suicide into any of their stories. However, I am glad to say...that Natayla...is the one charter...who I've made...to be rather perfect...to teach me to not overpower my chareters so much, she helped me devolop as a writer, and most importantly unlike 90% of my chareters...she's not an Anti-Hero...She's a good girl...a very nice girl. I hope one day I can make more chareters like her, and maybe stop overpowering the heck out of them. I am working on that...and I can thank Natayla for that.

So that was my top then favorite charaters to RP as. What stuns me I that I didn't put a single one of my villains on this list, but hey...its an honest list. If you have an opinion, leave a comment below. Have a nice day everyone

I love Spooky Crap :D
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