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Angels Vs. Demons
Different Arcs lead to different mini-stories you can say. Credit goes to Dillon0909.
Forum moderator: Narutard
2 108 Mo, 17.September.12, 8:22 PM
Thread: Favorite moments
Posted by: Narutard
Characters in the Story
Currently both major and minor characters in the story
Forum moderator: Narutard
12 53 Su, 23.December.12, 9:38 PM
Thread: Top Ten...
Posted by: Dillon0909
Relationships between each character.
Forum moderator: Narutard
7 182 Su, 04.March.12, 6:02 PM
Thread: Stephen x Working
Posted by: Fuipui
Questions on this section?
Questions on Angels Vs. Demons? State your question and I, narutard, dillon, or creation, will answer them.
Forum moderator: Narutard
1 4 Mo, 19.November.12, 8:28 PM
Thread: What happened to the Origina...
Posted by: Brinicle
Wishing the thread could have gone another way?
Do you wish everything has changed? Where the war could have continued, the characters had never met, etc.? Well put your ideas here and role-play it!
Forum moderator: Narutard
2 42 We, 18.January.12, 3:47 AM
Thread: What if Questions?
Posted by: Dillon0909