Dillon0909 | Date: Su, 23.June.13, 2:39 PM | Message # 1 |
![Dillon0909](/avatar/83/3747-198372.jpg) Commander
Group: Administrators
Messages: 34688
Status: Off
| It is the year 3000, after the apocolips humanity buckled down and repaired their cities, and their planet, eventually deciding on a Constitutional Monarchy as the base of power, with several sections of the planet forming sub goverments to keep the citizens of their countries happy. The reason for their success are those who have harnessed the will of Magic. These magical entities helped out any way they could, and with in a hundred years the world was repaired to an even more perfect glory, with Flying Cars, cure for all desease, and rarely any war on the planets surface. This glory has also allowed interstellar travel, and other lifeforms to be met. However, over the next few centuries, the Magic users of the world were starting to become feared, with the rise of Technology. So much for, that the main house of Magical Users was burned to the ground out of a potential threat they posed, when reallly they posed no threat at all.
Knowing that there are potential threats out of there, the King and Queen of Earth decided along with their parliemint to create a speacial kind of police force. The Magi Hunters, beings with speacial suits that, when warn, uses bio enhancers to increase strength speed and aglility. They also invented weapons to combat the forces of Magic, and so far they've done their job well. So much so, that a Magi Hunter is concidered to be on par with the King and QUeen of the world, when entering the shop. Some use it to their advantage, some don't, like normal police forces.
The question is, what will you do in the year 3000
That is the question many asked themselves, and the awnser was, to help Magi, to hurt Magi, to save Magi, to evolve magi, to enslave magi, Ect Ect. It's been a year since Leo's betrayal, Blaise's corruption, Leo's redemption, and finally Blaise's redemption, and their efforts were not without merit. The people started to see how the Hunter's treat Magi, and how cruel and bendictive Head officer Neils, and his wife Cheny were. When the King and Queen officials went with the people's choices, they fled, now out numbered. As an apology, King Sabine and Queen Rachel, invited the magi group towards the castle. To which, they agreed. Now a new question is proposed
Now what?
Magic User Sheet:
Name: Age: Power: Bio: Gender: Apperance:
Magi Hunter:
Name: Age: Position: Weapon: Bio: Gender: Apperance
Name: Age: Bio: Gender: Apperance:
(Now for Charter sheets for older users)
Name: Age: Bio: (What happened during the year) Gender: Hunter or Magi: Appearance: :
I love Spooky Crap :D
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Ilovedogs2 | Date: Su, 28.July.13, 2:07 PM | Message # 476 |
![Ilovedogs2](/avatar/33/5329-988200.gif) A bored admin
Group: Co-Dictators
Messages: 35950
Status: Off
| Jane
I ran a hand through my hair. "okay." I nodded.
It's time.
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