Fr, 26.July.24, 11:22 PM
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<Average Roleplays>
400s to 1400s Middle Ages
BUILDING CASTLES AND FIGHTING ORCS AND DWARVES YEAH...well not the orcs part but yeah. Medieval for short
1 246 We, 02.September.15, 11:53 AM
Thread: Kings and Queens
Posted by: Ilovedogs2
Fantasy Roleplays
RAWR!! Our imagination is coming! Run!!
Forum moderator: Narutard
17 19693 Tu, 22.September.15, 10:48 PM
Thread: Three Kingdoms (Revamped)
Posted by: Narutard
Modern Threads IZ here
just...modern...don't look behind your chair, the cops are stalking you for your modern attitude.
11 13952 Tu, 22.September.15, 11:43 PM
Thread: Monsters Among Us
Posted by: Ilovedogs2
The Big West
YEEHAW!!!!!!! Cowboys roaming and we're all drinking and fighting...tumbleweeds are tumbling around.
2 1707 Su, 09.February.14, 11:56 PM
Thread: Era of Revolution.
Posted by: Dillon0909
The Future
Aliens are coming!!!!!!!!!! or at least something in the future is happening. Maybe we get to have like hovercrafts and such. or flying broomsticks.
Forum moderator: Creation100
6 3309 We, 23.September.15, 0:13 AM
Thread: The Star Children
Posted by: Ilovedogs2
Others too lazy to type out
Like mystery and horror...and stuff
Forum moderator: Creation100
13 2309 Fr, 18.September.15, 1:24 PM
Thread: Lost
Posted by: Equinox