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The Four Regions
Dillon0909Date: Sa, 19.May.12, 1:04 AM | Message # 26
Group: Administrators
Messages: 34688
Status: Off

I drew my sword and smiled "HI STRONGHEART"

I love Spooky Crap :D
EquinoxDate: Sa, 19.May.12, 1:12 AM | Message # 27
Galaxy conquering warlord who likes to RP
Group: Administrators
Messages: 5940
Status: Off
His blade's fire disappeared, as he lifted his blade from his shoulder.

"Hello there, what lessons would you like this time?"

*Fencing (Swift attacking and blocking)
*Blade dancing (Swift attacks and swift strikes at vital points)
*Swordsplay (General strike timing and parrying)
*Free roam (Use any style you like, to catch your opponent in a death situation, or until one yields from exhaustion.)(Does not mean killing your opponent, it means holding the blade to the back of their neck, having them disarmed with your sword raised to strike them down, etc.)

A sane man in an insane world will go insane.
Dillon0909Date: Sa, 19.May.12, 1:16 AM | Message # 28
Group: Administrators
Messages: 34688
Status: Off

"Fencing" I said with glee

I love Spooky Crap :D
EquinoxDate: Sa, 19.May.12, 1:19 AM | Message # 29
Galaxy conquering warlord who likes to RP
Group: Administrators
Messages: 5940
Status: Off
He ushered up the fencing coach. He carried a large blade, he could not teach fencing.

The fencer drew his blade.

"Do you remember the basic rules of fencing?"

A sane man in an insane world will go insane.
Dillon0909Date: Sa, 19.May.12, 1:20 AM | Message # 30
Group: Administrators
Messages: 34688
Status: Off

"You have to just touch the blade on the guard" I said quietly.

I love Spooky Crap :D
EquinoxDate: Sa, 19.May.12, 1:23 AM | Message # 31
Galaxy conquering warlord who likes to RP
Group: Administrators
Messages: 5940
Status: Off
"Correct. Ready?" He said, getting into traditional fencing position.

A sane man in an insane world will go insane.
Dillon0909Date: Sa, 19.May.12, 1:24 AM | Message # 32
Group: Administrators
Messages: 34688
Status: Off

I drew my sword,and we began.

I love Spooky Crap :D
EquinoxDate: Sa, 19.May.12, 1:26 AM | Message # 33
Galaxy conquering warlord who likes to RP
Group: Administrators
Messages: 5940
Status: Off
(Do you just want to timeskip this, or go through the steps?)

With a lunge and a slash, he initated.

A sane man in an insane world will go insane.
Dillon0909Date: Sa, 19.May.12, 1:27 AM | Message # 34
Group: Administrators
Messages: 34688
Status: Off


Before I get struck I hit him on the guard.

I love Spooky Crap :D
EquinoxDate: Sa, 19.May.12, 1:28 AM | Message # 35
Galaxy conquering warlord who likes to RP
Group: Administrators
Messages: 5940
Status: Off
He jumped back.

"Nice reflexes! Well, you've won that, would you like to go another round, or is that all for now?"

A sane man in an insane world will go insane.
Dillon0909Date: Sa, 19.May.12, 1:30 AM | Message # 36
Group: Administrators
Messages: 34688
Status: Off

I smiled "Another round" I said with such joy.

I love Spooky Crap :D
EquinoxDate: Sa, 19.May.12, 1:31 AM | Message # 37
Galaxy conquering warlord who likes to RP
Group: Administrators
Messages: 5940
Status: Off
(Time skip again? Or shall I roll out some stupid event out of my ear.)

A sane man in an insane world will go insane.
Dillon0909Date: Sa, 19.May.12, 1:33 AM | Message # 38
Group: Administrators
Messages: 34688
Status: Off
(If you want :D)

I love Spooky Crap :D
EquinoxDate: Sa, 19.May.12, 2:13 AM | Message # 39
Galaxy conquering warlord who likes to RP
Group: Administrators
Messages: 5940
Status: Off
From the left wall, a giant frog broke through.

Strongheart stopped leaning on the wall, and pointed it at with his hand. "God DAMN it Doc, I just got that wall fixed from the giant lizard!"

He sighed, as if he was immune to the realization of danger at this point. He drew his blade, and it re-lit itself.

"Alright, let's get to dealing with it."

A sane man in an insane world will go insane.
Dillon0909Date: Sa, 19.May.12, 2:14 AM | Message # 40
Group: Administrators
Messages: 34688
Status: Off

I drew my sword and dueled the thing

I love Spooky Crap :D
EquinoxDate: Sa, 19.May.12, 2:16 AM | Message # 41
Galaxy conquering warlord who likes to RP
Group: Administrators
Messages: 5940
Status: Off
It simply swatted you away with it's tongue.

Strongheart ran up it's arm and began cutting away at it's back, and now that it's distracted, you could go for a bit of a more...vital strike.

A sane man in an insane world will go insane.
Dillon0909Date: Sa, 19.May.12, 2:18 AM | Message # 42
Group: Administrators
Messages: 34688
Status: Off

I got back up, and slashed at the thing, giving it a cut on its leg

I love Spooky Crap :D
EquinoxDate: Sa, 19.May.12, 2:25 AM | Message # 43
Galaxy conquering warlord who likes to RP
Group: Administrators
Messages: 5940
Status: Off
It tried to redirect its attention to you, but the constant slashing from strongheart made it impossible to keep focus while he was cutting towards the brain.

A sane man in an insane world will go insane.
Dillon0909Date: Sa, 19.May.12, 2:28 AM | Message # 44
Group: Administrators
Messages: 34688
Status: Off

I smiled and looked at it.

I love Spooky Crap :D
EquinoxDate: Sa, 19.May.12, 2:35 AM | Message # 45
Galaxy conquering warlord who likes to RP
Group: Administrators
Messages: 5940
Status: Off
It attempted to take his sword, but he pulled until he ripped it away from its tongue.

"Cut the tongue, would you?"

A sane man in an insane world will go insane.
Dillon0909Date: Sa, 19.May.12, 2:37 AM | Message # 46
Group: Administrators
Messages: 34688
Status: Off

I cut the tounge off

I love Spooky Crap :D
EquinoxDate: Sa, 19.May.12, 2:56 AM | Message # 47
Galaxy conquering warlord who likes to RP
Group: Administrators
Messages: 5940
Status: Off
And without it's tongue to fight back, Strongheart managed to kill it.

(I'll finish up this event tomorrow, it's about 1, really tired.)

A sane man in an insane world will go insane.
EquinoxDate: Su, 20.May.12, 11:56 AM | Message # 48
Galaxy conquering warlord who likes to RP
Group: Administrators
Messages: 5940
Status: Off
As the beast fell, Strongheart walked through the hole it left.

"Damn it Doc Reginald,"

The rest of the conversation was too quiet to hear.

A sane man in an insane world will go insane.
Dillon0909Date: Su, 20.May.12, 9:46 PM | Message # 49
Group: Administrators
Messages: 34688
Status: Off

I smiled happily at Strongheart.

I love Spooky Crap :D
EquinoxDate: Mo, 21.May.12, 1:23 AM | Message # 50
Galaxy conquering warlord who likes to RP
Group: Administrators
Messages: 5940
Status: Off
He walked back out.

"We're gonna have to clean this up for now, so I'm afraid training is over for now. We should have it cleaned in a while, so feel free to check in later."

A sane man in an insane world will go insane.