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Forum moderator: Narutard  
Pokemon World of Chaos RPG
NarutardDate: Th, 24.May.12, 11:21 PM | Message # 51
The Reaper of Threads
Group: Co-Dictators
Messages: 57234
Status: Off
I looked around curiously.

Tis now the very witching time of night when hell itself breathes contagion
Dillon0909Date: Th, 24.May.12, 11:30 PM | Message # 52
Group: Administrators
Messages: 34688
Status: Off
Professor Sun:

"The Dark now...normal"

I love Spooky Crap :D
NarutardDate: Th, 24.May.12, 11:31 PM | Message # 53
The Reaper of Threads
Group: Co-Dictators
Messages: 57234
Status: Off
I bumped into something and Amoharos caught it before it could shatter.

Tis now the very witching time of night when hell itself breathes contagion
Dillon0909Date: Th, 24.May.12, 11:33 PM | Message # 54
Group: Administrators
Messages: 34688
Status: Off

I helped her put it up.

I love Spooky Crap :D
NarutardDate: Th, 24.May.12, 11:35 PM | Message # 55
The Reaper of Threads
Group: Co-Dictators
Messages: 57234
Status: Off
I looked down, silent.

Tis now the very witching time of night when hell itself breathes contagion
Dillon0909Date: Th, 24.May.12, 11:36 PM | Message # 56
Group: Administrators
Messages: 34688
Status: Off

I smiled and said "Yep"

I love Spooky Crap :D
SunkernDate: Th, 24.May.12, 11:37 PM | Message # 57
Colonel general
Group: Users
Messages: 1212
Status: Off
I arrive, sitting down in the empty main room.

Sit in the motherfucking chair!
NarutardDate: Th, 24.May.12, 11:41 PM | Message # 58
The Reaper of Threads
Group: Co-Dictators
Messages: 57234
Status: Off
I watched them curiously from where I sat iin silence

Tis now the very witching time of night when hell itself breathes contagion
Dillon0909Date: Th, 24.May.12, 11:42 PM | Message # 59
Group: Administrators
Messages: 34688
Status: Off
Professor Sun:

I scanned it again "Yeah...its completly normal" I handed the thing to Necro, who got licked all over by the things

I love Spooky Crap :D
SunkernDate: Th, 24.May.12, 11:51 PM | Message # 60
Colonel general
Group: Users
Messages: 1212
Status: Off
"Hi." I say weakly.

Sit in the motherfucking chair!
SunkernDate: Fr, 25.May.12, 0:13 AM | Message # 61
Colonel general
Group: Users
Messages: 1212
Status: Off
"I dunno, I was advised to get my pokemon checked and get a pokedex before running around and doing a bunch of things with them."

Sit in the motherfucking chair!
SunkernDate: Fr, 25.May.12, 0:27 AM | Message # 62
Colonel general
Group: Users
Messages: 1212
Status: Off
I wait.

Sit in the motherfucking chair!
Dillon0909Date: Fr, 25.May.12, 1:38 AM | Message # 63
Group: Administrators
Messages: 34688
Status: Off
Professor Sun:

I went to work, working on the snag machine examining it

I love Spooky Crap :D
Dillon0909Date: Fr, 25.May.12, 2:08 AM | Message # 64
Group: Administrators
Messages: 34688
Status: Off
Professor Sun:

"Okay..I'll clone it" I said looking at him.

I love Spooky Crap :D
Dillon0909Date: Fr, 25.May.12, 3:06 AM | Message # 65
Group: Administrators
Messages: 34688
Status: Off
Professor Sun:

"Trust me" I said smiling "I'll be delicate. Just because my cloning Mewtwo experment failed" I than froze when I forgot he hasn't found out about THAT yet

(Or Arceas your call really)

I love Spooky Crap :D
NarutardDate: Fr, 25.May.12, 9:11 AM | Message # 66
The Reaper of Threads
Group: Co-Dictators
Messages: 57234
Status: Off
I hummed quietly to myself, quite bored in this lab thing...

Tis now the very witching time of night when hell itself breathes contagion
Dillon0909Date: Fr, 25.May.12, 11:37 AM | Message # 67
Group: Administrators
Messages: 34688
Status: Off
(okay that'll work)

Professor Sun:

"The worlds strongest Pokemon, probably the only thing that can take on Arceus and maybe win. He was created by Team Rocket to be the ultimate weapon, and I got their research files. I wanted to create an exact copy of Mewtwo...but it failed. Its no where near as strong, and well..." I said kind of blushing. "I sort of used Dark Pokemon DNA to make him."


"Are you out of your GORD!" I said hearing them.

I love Spooky Crap :D
Dillon0909Date: Fr, 25.May.12, 11:45 AM | Message # 68
Group: Administrators
Messages: 34688
Status: Off
Professor Sun:

"I can only make two for now, and even they aren't as powerful as yours. However, they will have the same effect. If a pokemon gets caught by a snag ball, they will be purified of the chaos" I said quietly "With yours its instant, with the others its over time" I than said "As for the Mewtwo Clone...its loose" I said quietly "It got loose 10 (Years if you like the idea Days if you dont)

(Idea: Dark Mewtwo was the cause of the Chaos Clouds)

I love Spooky Crap :D
Dillon0909Date: Fr, 25.May.12, 11:59 AM | Message # 69
Group: Administrators
Messages: 34688
Status: Off
Professor Sun:

"Yes" I said quietly

I love Spooky Crap :D
Dillon0909Date: Fr, 25.May.12, 12:14 PM | Message # 70
Group: Administrators
Messages: 34688
Status: Off
Professor Sun:

I opened the door quietly

(Okay, now I want to have Mewtwo in my party, but I wanna earn him.)

I love Spooky Crap :D
Dillon0909Date: Fr, 25.May.12, 12:16 PM | Message # 71
Group: Administrators
Messages: 34688
Status: Off

I nodded "Yeah thanks"

I love Spooky Crap :D
Dillon0909Date: Fr, 25.May.12, 12:24 PM | Message # 72
Group: Administrators
Messages: 34688
Status: Off

I walked up stairs, with Haunter following suit.

I love Spooky Crap :D
Dillon0909Date: Fr, 25.May.12, 12:32 PM | Message # 73
Group: Administrators
Messages: 34688
Status: Off

"So, whats the deal with you" I asked quietly

I love Spooky Crap :D
NarutardDate: Fr, 25.May.12, 3:52 PM | Message # 74
The Reaper of Threads
Group: Co-Dictators
Messages: 57234
Status: Off
(I'm so...ignored)
The place went dark and I paled, looking around. "Hello?" I whispered. I frowned, looking down. So much for that. I picked up Espeon, holding him close as we walked out of the lab and back into the crisp night air. I shivered and kept walking through the streets, trying to find my street corner again.

Tis now the very witching time of night when hell itself breathes contagion
SunkernDate: Fr, 25.May.12, 4:02 PM | Message # 75
Colonel general
Group: Users
Messages: 1212
Status: Off
(You're ignored? How?)

Sit in the motherfucking chair!