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Forum moderator: Narutard  
EquinoxDate: We, 13.July.11, 0:00 AM | Message # 1
Galaxy conquering warlord who likes to RP
Group: Administrators
Messages: 5940
Status: Off
Jarren is the son of Gigginox, and his mother is unknown. He had a wife named Jessie, but she was killed by Vorn while we was off in one of his first missions, which had to do with destroying the Demon's true realm, and killing their leaders. Although Gigginox has been kind enough to tell Jarren stories from Jarren's life to him to restore his blankness. He had Eleven siblings. 6 brothers, and 5 sisters. All were Shadow demons, whom were elite demons with extreme power, lead by none other than Gigginox, lord of the Nightmare realm. One brother stood out though.


Vorn was always Gigginox's favorite son, which filled Jarren with unholy rage. The reason being, before he got his 'forbidden blade' from a holy temple, it wiped his memories out and turned him into a angel, Although he still had some demonic feeling in him, which were pointed out by Rhaine, at the start of our story. Angelica had given him, Chaz, and a few others to go capture Reagan, but Rhaine interfered, and they clashed. With the help of Chaz's quick thinking, they defeated Rhaine, and both he and Reagan were captured.

Anyways, Vorn was the favorite son of Gigginox. This led Vorn to be the 2nd in command of the shadow demons. Gigginox always had a odd satisfaction for Jarren, feeling he would be special in some way, but not like this.

He nearly killed noctixmo in a battle, due to him being confused by His black wings. Noctixmo also nearly killed him, then they swore rivalry, and went their separate ways, until they met again, later on, and fought again.

Vorn was killed once by Jarren and Angelica, along with having to knock out demons, not kill them, since the angels and demons were at a truce at the time, which Vorn was out to destroy.

Vorn and Jarren had another fight over a mass of time, And at their final battle, it was revealed that Gigginox had formed Vorn's body into the form of the 'demon prince', which leads to a whole 'nother story. So we wont discuss it. In the end He stabbed his blade Into Vorn, pulled it out, Beheaded Vorn, then blasted him into ashes with all of his power, and a bit of his life force too.

Jarren was helped by a nice old man, and fixed back up. He now travels alone, seeing as upon arriving back from his long travels after the campaign he lead, involving Angels and Demons working together, he found that everyone he ever knew in the camp was either dead, or had moved on.

More will be told as they are remembered.

A sane man in an insane world will go insane.
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