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Pokemon Minds
NarutardDate: Tu, 17.December.13, 11:24 PM | Message # 251
The Reaper of Threads
Group: Co-Dictators
Messages: 57234
Status: Off
I looked around. "We haven't been here in a while," I said.

I nodded. "Yeah, it's been a month now.."

Tis now the very witching time of night when hell itself breathes contagion
Ilovedogs2Date: Tu, 17.December.13, 11:27 PM | Message # 252
A bored admin
Group: Co-Dictators
Messages: 35950
Status: Off

"I like it." I muttered. "Despite the dust."

It's time.
EquinoxDate: We, 18.December.13, 0:05 AM | Message # 253
Galaxy conquering warlord who likes to RP
Group: Administrators
Messages: 5940
Status: Off
I ignored Lance's comment.

A sane man in an insane world will go insane.
Ilovedogs2Date: We, 18.December.13, 0:07 AM | Message # 254
A bored admin
Group: Co-Dictators
Messages: 35950
Status: Off
(hahaha services for pokemon.


I grinned at him. Cynthia sighed. "We are going to have to travel the region to ask for help."

It's time.
NarutardDate: We, 18.December.13, 0:08 AM | Message # 255
The Reaper of Threads
Group: Co-Dictators
Messages: 57234
Status: Off
I pulled the electricity switch and everything booted to life.

Tis now the very witching time of night when hell itself breathes contagion
Ilovedogs2Date: We, 18.December.13, 0:14 AM | Message # 256
A bored admin
Group: Co-Dictators
Messages: 35950
Status: Off

"Oh." I looked around me, nodding to myself again.

It's time.
NarutardDate: We, 18.December.13, 0:19 AM | Message # 257
The Reaper of Threads
Group: Co-Dictators
Messages: 57234
Status: Off
I went to start entering data in.


Tis now the very witching time of night when hell itself breathes contagion
Ilovedogs2Date: We, 18.December.13, 1:05 AM | Message # 258
A bored admin
Group: Co-Dictators
Messages: 35950
Status: Off

"Oh, um. Yeah a bit." i turned to her.

It's time.
EquinoxDate: We, 18.December.13, 1:12 AM | Message # 259
Galaxy conquering warlord who likes to RP
Group: Administrators
Messages: 5940
Status: Off
(Remember, lance is fricken insane. He shot a team rocket member with a hyper beam, after his pokemon were all already knocked out. Direct hit.)

"Well I've been around most of these regions. I could head to whichever one I need to."

A sane man in an insane world will go insane.
NarutardDate: We, 18.December.13, 7:39 PM | Message # 260
The Reaper of Threads
Group: Co-Dictators
Messages: 57234
Status: Off
"You can follow me to the kitchen."

Tis now the very witching time of night when hell itself breathes contagion
Ilovedogs2Date: We, 18.December.13, 10:07 PM | Message # 261
A bored admin
Group: Co-Dictators
Messages: 35950
Status: Off

"Um thanks." I nodded.


"I glanced at my watch. "We need to keep on moving. At least Cynthia knows where their headquarter is. We can set up a large meeting there."

It's time.
EquinoxDate: We, 18.December.13, 11:55 PM | Message # 262
Galaxy conquering warlord who likes to RP
Group: Administrators
Messages: 5940
Status: Off

A sane man in an insane world will go insane.
Ilovedogs2Date: We, 18.December.13, 11:58 PM | Message # 263
A bored admin
Group: Co-Dictators
Messages: 35950
Status: Off
(Equi, post on 2321 before I get a Pokemon and attack you.)

It's time.
NarutardDate: Th, 19.December.13, 0:05 AM | Message # 264
The Reaper of Threads
Group: Co-Dictators
Messages: 57234
Status: Off
I pushed open the door to the kitchen and put a pit of water on. "The only stuff we have in stock is pokemon food and ramen. We haven't gotten a supply truck in months."

Tis now the very witching time of night when hell itself breathes contagion
Ilovedogs2Date: Th, 19.December.13, 0:14 AM | Message # 265
A bored admin
Group: Co-Dictators
Messages: 35950
Status: Off

I perked up. "I love ramen."

It's time.
EquinoxDate: Th, 19.December.13, 0:28 AM | Message # 266
Galaxy conquering warlord who likes to RP
Group: Administrators
Messages: 5940
Status: Off
(The thing didn't turn yellow, I didn't see that there was a new post. My bad.)

A sane man in an insane world will go insane.
NarutardDate: Th, 19.December.13, 6:10 PM | Message # 267
The Reaper of Threads
Group: Co-Dictators
Messages: 57234
Status: Off
"Oh good," I smiled.

Tis now the very witching time of night when hell itself breathes contagion
Ilovedogs2Date: Th, 19.December.13, 6:15 PM | Message # 268
A bored admin
Group: Co-Dictators
Messages: 35950
Status: Off

We continued walking. 


I nodded. "Yeah.,"

It's time.
AnchorageDate: Th, 19.December.13, 10:11 PM | Message # 269
Colonel general
Group: Users
Messages: 1347
Status: Off

I keep behind them, shirt over my face.

let's camp in the forest with harmonicas and nature's harmonies
NarutardDate: Fr, 20.December.13, 0:08 AM | Message # 270
The Reaper of Threads
Group: Co-Dictators
Messages: 57234
Status: Off
I started the water boiling.

Tis now the very witching time of night when hell itself breathes contagion
Ilovedogs2Date: Fr, 20.December.13, 0:26 AM | Message # 271
A bored admin
Group: Co-Dictators
Messages: 35950
Status: Off


It's time.
NarutardDate: Sa, 21.December.13, 11:29 AM | Message # 272
The Reaper of Threads
Group: Co-Dictators
Messages: 57234
Status: Off
I looked at her.

Tis now the very witching time of night when hell itself breathes contagion
EquinoxDate: Sa, 21.December.13, 1:39 PM | Message # 273
Galaxy conquering warlord who likes to RP
Group: Administrators
Messages: 5940
Status: Off
(I have nothing else to post right now.)

I continued following.

A sane man in an insane world will go insane.
Ilovedogs2Date: Sa, 21.December.13, 1:57 PM | Message # 274
A bored admin
Group: Co-Dictators
Messages: 35950
Status: Off
(Make conversation, duh.)


"Why did you want to be a Ranger?" I asked.

It's time.
NarutardDate: Sa, 21.December.13, 5:44 PM | Message # 275
The Reaper of Threads
Group: Co-Dictators
Messages: 57234
Status: Off
I shrugged. "I wanted to help the Pokémon."

Tis now the very witching time of night when hell itself breathes contagion