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The Great War.
Creation100Date: Su, 04.December.11, 4:43 PM | Message # 1
Group: Moderators
Messages: 3195
Status: Off
Through the years a selective group of people have grown tired of the Imperial's rule their ineffective way to deal with problems, their uncaring behavior for Nirn's children have brought the people to rebel against the Monarch. Behind Emperor Tylos's back the people have made plans to show their anger. First they constructed four independent 'kings' whom listen to the High lord, this High lord was the first to show the people the Empire's flaws and their distaste for Helgar's people. [If you can't tell, Nirn is a Country while Helgar is a separate piece of land, such as a state.]

After a few years of planning High lord Urial began his assault on the Margroth. His people all cried in victory the shouts being heard all the way to the Emperor's throne, with Urial's victory the other kings began their own assaults. First Zafirbel was lost to the uprising, Vitharn was second to fall, Milchar surrendered to the sight of the uprisings their general betraying the Imperial's way to become the selected king's advisor. Lastly Solitude was to be taken though it seemed the Emperor knew that they'd attack there, sending his personal forces, though Urial had sent in his own force of men called "Ebonhearts".

Though in the mist of all of the chaos a group of Nordic men appeared in the middle of battle and drove both forces back, causing them to gain great reputation, the Black Briars took the city of Solitude for themselves to keep a neutrality between the two forces. Their leader Havork hosted a meeting with both sides in hope to find a compromise though found it impossible to keep both sides calm with one another, the Emperor's idea that his being there was a gracious sign and that the other side should just surrender, the meeting soon ended with no difference other then a more growing hatred for the two sides.

[This is a Fantasy Medieval Roleplay of course. ^^ To be frank I'm terrible with names.]
[I'll make a list of playable races below the CS I shall also display a Bestiary in another thread. ^^]

Side or Group:
Physical Appearance:
Armor and Clothing:
Weapons and Items:

Human - These creatures seem to govern most of the world, some view themselves as 'superior' though the majority don't really see that, those that do are usually noble blood.

Elves - There are several races of these beautiful creatures, usually more specialized in the arcane arts.

Orc - A rather bronze over mind race, they're hot blooded and are usually great mercenaries. 'They are noted for their unshakable courage in war and their unflinching endurance of hardships.'

Khajiit - A Feline race usually sneaky,agile, and quick. 'While these traits make them superb thieves and acrobats, Khajiit are also fearsome warriors, although seldom gifted with the skill to harness magical forces.'

[Here is list of Helgar's bestiary. Just click on 'Here']
[Lastly any questions please ask me, if you wish to be one of the independent kings I'll have to see your Character sheet and I'll also guide my decision on how I've seen your role playing.]

She had a smile that could light up a room.

Message edited by Creation100 - Su, 04.December.11, 6:03 PM
Creation100Date: Su, 04.December.11, 6:28 PM | Message # 2
Group: Moderators
Messages: 3195
Status: Off
[Mhm Mate I was getting to it. =3]
Name: Havork Yalborn
Age: 37
Gender: Male
Race: Human-Nordic [Imperial or Nord.]
Side or Group: Black Briar - Leader
Physical Appearance: He has a full beard and long hair, both graying. His eyes seem to drawl you to him, though his face seems to have wolfish characteristics and holds a nice scar on his cheek, it's clear he's been through a hard life, though through that life has made him strong, he is about 6ft. [That's a pretty average height.]

Armor and Clothing: He wears wolf pelted armor, studded with steel though that's only during meetings and battles, his usual attire is a gray tunic, gloves, black trousers, and black boots.
Weapons and Items: He carries a large war axe, which he seems to carry with ease considering it's size. He wears a strange ring on his left hand which seems to glow, on his right hand is a wedding band, he wears a amulet which has a emblem of a bush of briars, his family heirloom.

Bio: This old man has made a name for his family, his father was a blacksmith he taught his son his trade though Havork never really enjoyed the art, he left his family to join a mercenary group. Sadly his group was tricked and killed by a client's task, seeing it as cruel business action he felt it'd be a waste to go after the client, so he settled down and made a family in the woods. Though his wife died at the hands of bandits his anger was then reinforced and he slaughtered the men. He made a new 'family' with his two sons also with a group of people they soon called themselves 'Black Briar' another mercenary clan, though they hold a secret within their inner council and tend to keep joining for people who've proved themselves in a task.

She had a smile that could light up a room.
ToxicDate: Su, 04.December.11, 6:30 PM | Message # 3
Group: Moderators
Messages: 2232
Status: Off
Name: Vic Theran

Age: Twenty-Three (23)

Gender: ....4? Male.

Race: Elf

Side or Group: Black Brian

Physical Appearance: He stands at 6'5", with long silver hair that flows over his shoulders, and sometimes his grey eyes. Average weight, and average muscular build. He's not much of a strong 'stud', though more a lone runner.

Armor and Clothing: Fine, wool black vest that covers only his torso. On top of that, he wears a polished breastplate. Black leather loose tie trousers, tucked into his knee high elven boots.

Weapons and Items: Smooth wooden bow. Elven dagger strapped to his ankle.

Bio: TBR

I am only one, but I am one.
Creation100Date: Su, 04.December.11, 6:57 PM | Message # 4
Group: Moderators
Messages: 3195
Status: Off
Name: High lord Urial
Age: 43
Gender: Male
Race: Human Imperial
Side or Group: Ebonhearts/Independent Kings

Physical Appearance: Urial's hair is black and pushed back and shoulder length, his body holds several scars he has a average build nothing to impressive, his left eye is white with a scar passing through it and his right is a light blue.
Armor and Clothing: He wears steel plated armor under a robe made from several furs they seem to closely resembling the Emperor's, some accuse Urial as mocking Emperor Tylos.
Weapons and Items: He wield a black sword, that on strike seems to drawl the opponent's essence out of his body, his ring also has a strange characteristic it's elven master could only tell it's secrets.

Bio: This man grew up in Helgar's Imperial cities, he had to a lot to get to the Imperial Academy as a young man, his father was a Captain in the army which tried his best to keep up with his family, though stress soon overcame the man and he became sick and died. When the money flow ceased Urial left, promising his mother he'd return with her happy ending, joining up with the only business he could think of he became a mercenary. During a contract to clear a cave a criour came to him while he finished the deal, to tell him of his mother's death. Inside the letter was his father's ring he needed a break from everyone, he went on a pilgrim's quest. Though his quest only lead him to a dragon priest, the priest showed Urial the power of the dragon offering him the teachings. Through the years he left the Dragon's little religious group to join back into society with his new perceptive on the world. [The rest is pretty much in the Story above.]

She had a smile that could light up a room.
NarutardDate: Su, 04.December.11, 10:12 PM | Message # 5
The Reaper of Threads
Group: Co-Dictators
Messages: 57234
Status: Off
Name: Ellette McClaire
Age: 25
Gender: Female
Race: Khajiit
Side or Group: Black Briar? Maybe?
Physical Appearance: She is short and pale, skinny with long arms and legs for maximum flexibility. Her fingers are also rather long but delicate. Her facial features are sharp and angles, much like a cats. Her eyes are a bright yellow with slits for pupils, her teeth sharpened to a point. Her hair is long and black, soft and feathered like cat's fur (or a mane, either or).
Armor and Clothing: She wears leather armor over her purple tunic and black leggings. She goes without shoes though, preferring the feel of earth beneath her feet.
Weapons and Items: A long rapier on her belt and a bow across her back. Her dagger is hidden
Bio: tbr

Tis now the very witching time of night when hell itself breathes contagion
Creation100Date: Su, 04.December.11, 10:31 PM | Message # 6
Group: Moderators
Messages: 3195
Status: Off
[I'd prefer a medieval sword that double bladed, not a renaissance one, though other then that I'd ask you both to be asking to join the Clan instead of being in it. ^^' Other then that I'm perfect with both your Character sheets.]
Name: Rodrick Yalborn
Age: 24
Gender: Male
Race: Human Nord
Side or Group: Black Briar
Physical Appearance: He's not as bold as his father, though just as his father life has reinforced him. His eyes are black and seem to drawl you in like all the inner circle members, he stands 5'6 and his long black hair is messy and dirty.
Armor and Clothing: He wears bounded iron armor over a sack shirt, and sack pants, his boots are reinforced with iron and studded as well.
Weapons and Items: He carries a large sword on his back and wears a amulet which has a briar on it just like his father's does though it's just a copy.
Bio: He is one of the youngest within the Inner circle, though also the most hot blooded he tries his best to keep a level head. [I didn't want to copy another bio =P]

She had a smile that could light up a room.
NarutardDate: Su, 04.December.11, 10:42 PM | Message # 7
The Reaper of Threads
Group: Co-Dictators
Messages: 57234
Status: Off
(Okay, so no side as of yet until I ask :3 And a double bladed short blade)

Tis now the very witching time of night when hell itself breathes contagion
Creation100Date: Su, 04.December.11, 10:52 PM | Message # 8
Group: Moderators
Messages: 3195
Status: Off
[Mhm and Thanks for the help ^^]

She had a smile that could light up a room.
NarutardDate: Su, 04.December.11, 10:56 PM | Message # 9
The Reaper of Threads
Group: Co-Dictators
Messages: 57234
Status: Off
(no prob)

Tis now the very witching time of night when hell itself breathes contagion
ToxicDate: Su, 04.December.11, 11:46 PM | Message # 10
Group: Moderators
Messages: 2232
Status: Off

I am only one, but I am one.
Creation100Date: Th, 08.December.11, 9:30 PM | Message # 11
Group: Moderators
Messages: 3195
Status: Off
[Okay, I've allowed it to get around ^^']


I wait patiently on my throne, watching servants scatter across the halls the sounds of laughter not far as the servant's children roam my halls as well, as long as they keep the war-hounds kept well I don't mind them.

Havork Yalborn-

My son oldest son Rodrick keeps close to me as we watch the younglings train in the courtyard, the other inner council members watching as well, though in the shade of the balcony of the barracks.

She had a smile that could light up a room.
ToxicDate: Sa, 10.December.11, 0:10 AM | Message # 12
Group: Moderators
Messages: 2232
Status: Off
(Where exactly are the Black Briars, by the way? Are they in some sort of fortified base or anything?)

I am only one, but I am one.
Creation100Date: Sa, 10.December.11, 0:58 AM | Message # 13
Group: Moderators
Messages: 3195
Status: Off
[They're currently in Solitude, a small city defended with large stone walls and large amounts of warriors. ^^ Anyone can walk into the city, though you need permission from a member of the Black Briar to actually enter the castle's grounds. Solitude is like any other city, it still has people who reside in it, though business probably isn't doing to well.]

She had a smile that could light up a room.
ToxicDate: Sa, 10.December.11, 0:59 AM | Message # 14
Group: Moderators
Messages: 2232
Status: Off
(Oh. I put it as my character (Vic) being a Black Briar. Is that alright by you?)

I am only one, but I am one.
Creation100Date: Sa, 10.December.11, 1:08 AM | Message # 15
Group: Moderators
Messages: 3195
Status: Off
[I'd rather have you joining into the clan. ^^]

She had a smile that could light up a room.
ToxicDate: Sa, 10.December.11, 1:13 AM | Message # 16
Group: Moderators
Messages: 2232
Status: Off
(Oh okay.)
I wondered around the city boundaries of Solitude. I stared at it.

I am only one, but I am one.
Creation100Date: Tu, 03.January.12, 10:21 PM | Message # 17
Group: Moderators
Messages: 3195
Status: Off

I follow my general to the war room, where several seats were set out for the other kings and their selective officials and in the front of the room was a place for me, my general and a few men who were hand selected to be my royal guard. I settle into the throne beside my general with my men waiting, we'd have to wait for the other kings to arrive..


I looked at my father, he simply nodded and I nodded back and walked out to the new members who were training. "Okay whelps, gather in." I call to them, they immediately stop sparring and jog into a group to me. "Take a knee, new bloods." I tell them, they continue obediently listening. "It's fair to say that you have all done well in your training, tomorrow members on the council will take you on a task to see how worthy you are. Though for tonight, I encourage you to get plenty of rest." I tell them, gesturing for them to raise up. "You're dismissed." I tell them, walking back to my father. Though when I stepped toward him he walked to the group that was dismissing, we crossed each other and I walked on into the castle; just going with it.

Havork Yalborn-

"You two," I call to the group my voice making the group stop moving as they turned to the voice. I ignored the masses as I walk to a man and a woman, placing my hand in their shoulders. "You two have been doing exceptionally good." I tell them, the atmosphere of the conversation changing to friendly.

She had a smile that could light up a room.
Creation100Date: Fr, 06.January.12, 1:10 AM | Message # 18
Group: Moderators
Messages: 3195
Status: Off

"I'd love to personally train with you two, I feel.. something about you." I them both, I then pat both their shoulder smiling gesturing for them to follow me as I walk away. I walk to the Castle, "I'm surprised you couldn't feel it." I tell my son Rodrick as I passed him, the elf lady and nord lad following behind me as I continued to lead them to a hall with two vacant rooms. "I'd like to keep a closer eye on you two, so please, sleep in these room and I'll come get you when I feel it's time. They nod, "Now this is a big step, you're now both fangs. Keep the whelps on the right track." I tell, my eyes peer to the elf as she bows, "Thank you, master." she says, I chuckle and pat her shoulder again, moving my hand to her to make her look at me. "You're a free sister to the clan now, I'm merely here to guide you." I tell her, "You two should get some rest." I tell the two and walk back down the hall to the courtyard.


I watch my father walk down the stares, though his face turns in disbelief as suddenly a yell is heard, "You flea bastards!" emits behinds me as a dagger penetrates my back, in shock I fall forward. "Damn, whelps." I mumble as I hit the ground, I close my eyes and a fierce thump occurs leading to a warm substance flowing over my face. I hear the door open and a few seconds later I feel hands around me though I pass out afterwords.


I sigh as the briar family still refused to accept my invitation, the kings were all finding their seats. I walked to the podium waiting for them to end their chaotic rabbles, my men standing behind me.

She had a smile that could light up a room.
NarutardDate: Fr, 06.January.12, 6:44 PM | Message # 19
The Reaper of Threads
Group: Co-Dictators
Messages: 57234
Status: Off
(I forgot to add cat ears usually flat against her ears but giving her maximum hearing ability, and I changed her name to Kajaarta, but she'll be know as Jaar(pronounced Jare))

(Starting in third person)

Kajaarta rode up to the city of Solitude upon her horse, staring up at the large walls. Her black hood hid her face but allowed her sight of everything around her. Upon the hilt of her sword rested her hand, ready for anything. She nudged her horse on.

Tis now the very witching time of night when hell itself breathes contagion
Creation100Date: Fr, 06.January.12, 10:07 PM | Message # 20
Group: Moderators
Messages: 3195
Status: Off
Briar Brother-

I stand in front of the front gates to enter into Solitude, holding my hand out to gesture for the feline to stop, a brother and sister assisting me in guard duty.


I watch my son's healing body, somehow feeling it was my fault. "Hey, you still have a whole family to lead, Rodrick is fine now." Jorg, a member of the Inner council tells me, his hand on my shoulder. I nod, "The suns going down, we should check in on the others to see if there's any updates." I tell him, getting out of the chair.

[Don't guess anyone wants to be a king. =>]

I trace my hand to my throat, and with a loud yell the room quiets down. "Good, now that we're all in order-" I say before getting interrupted, "We're wasting time to decide what to do, if we don't clear those damned mercenaries out; the Imperials are going to take another route." a man stands, I just sigh. "Clearing the briars would waste men and it'd be clearing the only thing keeping us from a direct attack." Another points out. "There are more continents around Halger." Another man growls, "Politics.." I tell my general with a smile. [My terminology was kinda incorrect. x.x' Nirn was the country while Helgar is a continent. =P]

She had a smile that could light up a room.
NarutardDate: Fr, 06.January.12, 10:23 PM | Message # 21
The Reaper of Threads
Group: Co-Dictators
Messages: 57234
Status: Off
(I guess I can...)
I looked down, silent. My yellow eyes glowed from beneath my hood.

Tis now the very witching time of night when hell itself breathes contagion
Creation100Date: Fr, 06.January.12, 10:35 PM | Message # 22
Group: Moderators
Messages: 3195
Status: Off
[It'd be a separate character.]
(Oh, you're wearing a hood sorry for missing that. ^^')

B Brother Gate Keeper.-

"Tell me your intentions for coming to Solitude." I order, to get a quick jab from my fellow sister. "Fine.." I whisper, "Welcome to Solitude, if you wish to patronage with any of the fellow citizens we ask you to stay clear from the caste." I tell the hooded stranger.

She had a smile that could light up a room.
NarutardDate: Fr, 06.January.12, 10:36 PM | Message # 23
The Reaper of Threads
Group: Co-Dictators
Messages: 57234
Status: Off
(No prob)
I shook my hood down, my ears perking up. "Just passing by within my travels," I said quietly, voice silky as my hair.

Tis now the very witching time of night when hell itself breathes contagion
Creation100Date: Fr, 06.January.12, 10:57 PM | Message # 24
Group: Moderators
Messages: 3195
Status: Off
B Brother-

"Hm, just wanting to see the headquarters of the great Black Briars." I grin, shrugging, "I don't blame you." I tell her, gesturing for the other two to move out of the way. "Don't cause trouble." I warn her.


I lead Jorg to west wing of the castle, where members of the circle were already waiting. "How's your boy?" Aledia, asks me I show a smile, "He's healing, never thought I'd live to see that again.." I admit, she nods; "We were all worried for him, sent the best we could to heal him." she tells me, "Thanks, I appreciate it." I tell them I then place my hand onto Jorg's shoulder this time, "But we've got a whole family to watch out for, so any news?" I ask.


After a few hours of pointless talking, we decided to send a few men to talk with the Briars to try to get them to join our cause. I decided to take a relaxing bath to forget the head numbing debate. "Sire!" a soldier rushes into my bathroom, I look up in completely dismay. "You'd best have a good reason to be interrupting me, if not let me bathe in peace." I growl at him, he looks at the ground for a moment to recall what he had to tell me, then nods and leaves. "God.." I mourn, sliding into the warm water, closing my eyes in pleasure.

She had a smile that could light up a room.
NarutardDate: Fr, 06.January.12, 11:00 PM | Message # 25
The Reaper of Threads
Group: Co-Dictators
Messages: 57234
Status: Off
"Of course," I said quietly as I nudged Latalin onwarnds into the city.

Tis now the very witching time of night when hell itself breathes contagion