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EquinoxDate: Mo, 19.September.11, 7:14 PM | Message # 26
Galaxy conquering warlord who likes to RP
Group: Administrators
Messages: 5940
Status: Off
Creatures with power over fire. They range from the typical Imp-type demon, to Powerful Arch-demons, to even the five Demon Lords. They look like the red monster-like creatures described in storybooks for children. Very dangerous, and have a life-death rivalry with Angels, putting angels as their number one priority to kill, if they see them in your Caravan. Their fighting styles range from being adept in magic to wielding a massive range of blades. They are ruthless and unreasonable.

I'll add some more later, gotta reset some homeschool stuff and re-do it, then I'll come back and add a few things.

Here's a few you could do while I'm gone, if you come on before I come back on.

bandit leader (Or should we just make a short including in the bandit description?)

A sane man in an insane world will go insane.
EquinoxDate: Mo, 19.September.11, 7:39 PM | Message # 27
Galaxy conquering warlord who likes to RP
Group: Administrators
Messages: 5940
Status: Off

The test didn't take even 5 minutes to redo.... I guess I'll get working.

A sane man in an insane world will go insane.
EquinoxDate: Mo, 19.September.11, 8:09 PM | Message # 28
Galaxy conquering warlord who likes to RP
Group: Administrators
Messages: 5940
Status: Off
The skeletal system of all kinds of creatures, reanimated by warriors of the dark arts. Most aren't very adept in any kind of fighting. Although they have the largest variable possibilities of any monster you may encounter. Dragons? Meet the skeleton. Humans? Meet the skeleton. Archers? Meet the skeleton. Swordsmaster? Meet the skeleton. If the skeleton of someone is found, it can be revived, as long as you have a dark apprentice or higher. A beginner only has a 50-50 chance of reviving a skeleton. If your lucky, the body might have a working mind, and give you clues, maps for side-quests, shortcuts to quests, and such. Although some might be demented with their time in the after-life, and attack the dark summoner. If the dark summoner is killed by it's summon and the dark essence dies by the necromancer, it might revive the necromancer as a lich. No promises that he'll be friendly though. Greater dark power comes at a cost of lives.

The stereotypical monster known as the zombie. Brutish, durable, countless, dangerous. It's very hard to study these creatures, because of their countless numbers, unprotected researchers and scouts tend to die or get chased off before getting any good information. They have sharp ears, and have special abilities, such as speed, long jumps, vomiting acid, launching long tongues at you, anything. No matter how they are revived, if they come out like this, they don't have a mind inside them any longer, and thus, are left to be considered lethal.

I'll do a few later.

A sane man in an insane world will go insane.
NevermoreDate: Mo, 19.September.11, 8:57 PM | Message # 29
Major general
Group: Checked
Messages: 278
Status: Off
Desert Wyrm-
Strong draconic-like beast with thick clear "glass" armor. This armor is tough, and durable. They can whip up sand storms by flapping their wings and spit acid at you as well. This acid is corrosive enough to melt through most armors, making the lining of their acid sacs valuable resources. They rarely leave their strange caves in the desert heat, and hunt only at night.

The wastelands are a brilliant place to live. Nobody looks for you if you live there.
You're like a frozen cactus.
EquinoxDate: Mo, 19.September.11, 9:02 PM | Message # 30
Galaxy conquering warlord who likes to RP
Group: Administrators
Messages: 5940
Status: Off
Now what about the bandit thing nevermore?

A sane man in an insane world will go insane.
NevermoreDate: Mo, 19.September.11, 10:00 PM | Message # 31
Major general
Group: Checked
Messages: 278
Status: Off
that's a good idea, lol...
Bandits- members of various gangs that roam the deserts, they are loyal to none, except their leaders, who convine usually once every three moons. Generally they are humans, but some have been known to be non-human sentient races.
Bandit Lords- Lords of the Bandits, they are held in the highest of regards and most will take the best of the loot. They are much stronger and smarter then Bandits.

The wastelands are a brilliant place to live. Nobody looks for you if you live there.
You're like a frozen cactus.
EquinoxDate: Tu, 20.September.11, 0:11 AM | Message # 32
Galaxy conquering warlord who likes to RP
Group: Administrators
Messages: 5940
Status: Off
Well I had a better description, but OK....

I think the harpy is a bit overboard, don't you? I was also considering a succubus and incubus, but, meh.

A sane man in an insane world will go insane.
NevermoreDate: Tu, 20.September.11, 0:55 AM | Message # 33
Major general
Group: Checked
Messages: 278
Status: Off
You can do your own descriptions.
Yeah a Harpy is too over the top. Succubus and incubi make sense however, it's a desert.

The wastelands are a brilliant place to live. Nobody looks for you if you live there.
You're like a frozen cactus.
EquinoxDate: Tu, 20.September.11, 10:59 AM | Message # 34
Galaxy conquering warlord who likes to RP
Group: Administrators
Messages: 5940
Status: Off
The thing with the succubus and incubus is, unless we have a elf or a bard that looks away and harshly strikes a instrument's strings, we have no way of escaping it's spell of beauty. And I've yet to discover what makes you immune to the abilities of a succubus, considering people are saying they are real things, claiming they've encountered them.

Honestly, I've had plenty of women in my dreams, namely the ones I date, but I've never been ripped apart by one.

A sane man in an insane world will go insane.
NevermoreDate: Tu, 20.September.11, 8:56 PM | Message # 35
Major general
Group: Checked
Messages: 278
Status: Off
We can make adjustments to the lore of Incubus/Succubus. It's done all the time in folk lore and tradition, look at the Sidhe.

The wastelands are a brilliant place to live. Nobody looks for you if you live there.
You're like a frozen cactus.
EquinoxDate: Tu, 20.September.11, 9:37 PM | Message # 36
Galaxy conquering warlord who likes to RP
Group: Administrators
Messages: 5940
Status: Off
Alright, how much shall we change? Mayhaps the chance that people with certain DNA have the ability to resist the temptations of it's illusions, through eye DNA of the cornea?

A sane man in an insane world will go insane.
NevermoreDate: Tu, 20.September.11, 10:00 PM | Message # 37
Major general
Group: Checked
Messages: 278
Status: Off
That coould work.
Perhaps certain charms give them immunity?

The wastelands are a brilliant place to live. Nobody looks for you if you live there.
You're like a frozen cactus.
EquinoxDate: Tu, 20.September.11, 10:08 PM | Message # 38
Galaxy conquering warlord who likes to RP
Group: Administrators
Messages: 5940
Status: Off

Musical charms, spell casted charms, natural aura, all of the above?

A sane man in an insane world will go insane.
EquinoxDate: Tu, 20.September.11, 10:08 PM | Message # 39
Galaxy conquering warlord who likes to RP
Group: Administrators
Messages: 5940
Status: Off
Oh, and necklaces and such.

A sane man in an insane world will go insane.
NevermoreDate: Tu, 20.September.11, 10:33 PM | Message # 40
Major general
Group: Checked
Messages: 278
Status: Off

The wastelands are a brilliant place to live. Nobody looks for you if you live there.
You're like a frozen cactus.
EquinoxDate: Tu, 20.September.11, 10:40 PM | Message # 41
Galaxy conquering warlord who likes to RP
Group: Administrators
Messages: 5940
Status: Off
I think we should keep omnibus out of this though.

That's going a bit too far...

A sane man in an insane world will go insane.
NevermoreDate: We, 21.September.11, 1:36 AM | Message # 42
Major general
Group: Checked
Messages: 278
Status: Off
Yes it is. We don't want TOO many demons. Let's think of some more things in the desert.

The wastelands are a brilliant place to live. Nobody looks for you if you live there.
You're like a frozen cactus.
EquinoxDate: We, 21.September.11, 9:47 AM | Message # 43
Galaxy conquering warlord who likes to RP
Group: Administrators
Messages: 5940
Status: Off
Giant crows.

... :3.....

A sane man in an insane world will go insane.
NevermoreDate: We, 21.September.11, 8:16 PM | Message # 44
Major general
Group: Checked
Messages: 278
Status: Off
Nah, crows are more city-ish/forest-ish.
Giant Vultures, perhaps?

The wastelands are a brilliant place to live. Nobody looks for you if you live there.
You're like a frozen cactus.
EquinoxDate: Th, 22.September.11, 0:31 AM | Message # 45
Galaxy conquering warlord who likes to RP
Group: Administrators
Messages: 5940
Status: Off
Exactly. Vultures.

And crows are actually almost everywhere in the world, which is why indian tribes believed they signaled danger and death.

A sane man in an insane world will go insane.
NevermoreDate: Th, 22.September.11, 1:21 AM | Message # 46
Major general
Group: Checked
Messages: 278
Status: Off
Oh right... "Navajo Chickens."
Hmm... One more page should be good enough then we can move on to items.

The wastelands are a brilliant place to live. Nobody looks for you if you live there.
You're like a frozen cactus.
EquinoxDate: Th, 22.September.11, 9:25 AM | Message # 47
Galaxy conquering warlord who likes to RP
Group: Administrators
Messages: 5940
Status: Off
How many more monsters do you need? In one plot I spoke of the Men of the sand walking behind them, those two men.

That could be a species. Creatures that wear cloaks and disguise themselves at humans, until you get close, then they strike with dual swords.

A sane man in an insane world will go insane.
NevermoreDate: Th, 22.September.11, 8:33 PM | Message # 48
Major general
Group: Checked
Messages: 278
Status: Off
I like your idea. When we get this page filled up with monsters, we will move onto items.
J'tengu- Orc-like beasts with green skins and carry simple clubs and broken rocks. They have the intelligence of a vegatable when they are alone, however they generally get smarter when theres more of them around.

The wastelands are a brilliant place to live. Nobody looks for you if you live there.
You're like a frozen cactus.
EquinoxDate: Th, 22.September.11, 9:24 PM | Message # 49
Galaxy conquering warlord who likes to RP
Group: Administrators
Messages: 5940
Status: Off
What are we gonna call that beast though? And also, are we going to do a general appearance for them?

A sane man in an insane world will go insane.
NevermoreDate: Fr, 23.September.11, 8:42 PM | Message # 50
Major general
Group: Checked
Messages: 278
Status: Off
The general appearnce will just be the cloaks and stuff. We can call them Sandmen.

The wastelands are a brilliant place to live. Nobody looks for you if you live there.
You're like a frozen cactus.