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Bringing to you, the land of Imaginor.
NevermoreDate: Tu, 06.September.11, 11:24 PM | Message # 1
Major general
Group: Checked
Messages: 278
Status: Off
How ever, I require a plot, and if you don't wish to RP in Chon or Imaginor, I will require a few geographies.

Imaginorian Geography]
The mountains of Rykar stood unchanging for millienia, seperating the contienant in two countries. To the west of the chain lies Imaginor, to the east, The Realms of Nightshade, where the King of the Eternal Night fights with the leader of the rebel faction, Iron Shield. It was here, in the realms of Imaginor where the Iron Shield was given birth to. They, in ancient times, sought to over throw the bespotic mage king, known as Shadow. It was here, that with the help of the Iron Shield, that Jinx Nightingale defeated the Chfar, and Jinx became the first Nightingale King since Shadow became the king.

King Nightingale's realm stretched from it's capital, the Citadel of the Sun, (Once known has the Citadel of Shadows), through the forests of Keltoria in the north, and all the way to the ocean of Modeceo, whom which if crossed, will lead to the realm of the Chevailer, a realm of Knights, and Freelances, built on chivalry and one's honor. The Nightingales power also reached west to the frozen peaks of Yukonia, were if one were to cross, they would discover the realm of the Chon (a place where your clan's honor was put first), and cross yet another sea, and one would discover Dyrva, which held the greatest amount of mages and wizards. But the Nightingale's power ended at the Yukonian Mountains, but not it's influence, as was evident in the many treaties with the various Chon clans, and the agreement with the Dryvans, to send all the magic users there to train with them.

To the east, as the crow flies, above the Dark Forests of Verslie were the land was once ruled by a wise and just family, until a Hero and his Twin were split asunder by a wandering Gyspy, the same Versile where the Imp of Frost held the riddle to the Hero's sword which was Lost. The same Versile where the Midnight Tower thrusts up in the middle of the Dark Forest like an ugly and gnarled finger, a final tribute to the Draconian Demon King. It is there, in that Dark Forest, in which the monsters of the land reside. Further east, the mountains of Rykar again, and there is where the Throne's power ended, for the King of the Eternal Night had no wish to have anything to do with the Imaginorian peoples.

[Chonian Geogrpahy]

Our story begins with a fued in the realm of Chon. Chon is a strange land it is surrounded by it's whole circumfrence by a chain of mountains called the Claws of Chon where the only entrance into and out of Chon is the Yukonia pass, where T'chur, the smallest nation's capital is situated at the exact middle of the pass it is a valued trading route, and nobody dares cross them, otherwise the Chonian silks would be cut off from the rest of Imaginor and beyond- as far as they were aware, for they did not know that the Chon had developed air technology, they have giant baloon ships [zeplins], the baloon ships fly only at night, hiding them and allowing them to contstruct an extensive map . Stretched across roughly one quarter of the lands is a giant desert known has the Shimmering Sea of Dunes, and it occupies the middle of the land, it is full of a myriad of mirages and deadly animals.

To the north of the center of the desert there is a place where the desert ends and gives way to small grassy plain, called the Howling Plains, which gives away to the bamboo jungle of T'charl K'le Clu (Ta-churl Kli Cloo).

Northeast of the desert is a rocky and unfarmable land called the Hills of the Dead, a dangerous and treachorous land full of falling rocks and trees. To the south east there is a large lake known has Davel's Watering Hole, murky lights are oft seen floating above often giving the illusion of a city. Many a traveller has drowned beneat the waves of the Watering Hole.

And finally to the south east there lies the civilized portion of Chon. It is their great and sprawling capital, where eac of the twelve clans meet annually to hold a tournament. But this tournament is not our story.

The wastelands are a brilliant place to live. Nobody looks for you if you live there.
You're like a frozen cactus.
Ilovedogs2Date: We, 07.September.11, 0:01 AM | Message # 2
A bored admin
Group: Co-Dictators
Messages: 35950
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Huh. Well many things could happen with this geography.

It's time.
NevermoreDate: We, 07.September.11, 0:03 AM | Message # 3
Major general
Group: Checked
Messages: 278
Status: Off
That's the point, lol. I've already done a couple of RPs with this geography, in fact I've just started one elsewhere. But in either case, I need a plot.

The wastelands are a brilliant place to live. Nobody looks for you if you live there.
You're like a frozen cactus.
EquinoxDate: We, 07.September.11, 0:12 AM | Message # 4
Galaxy conquering warlord who likes to RP
Group: Administrators
Messages: 5940
Status: Off
I'm assuming you want me to bring some of my billion ideas I've developed for this, over the time we've roleplayed in this setting, nevermore?

A sane man in an insane world will go insane.
NevermoreDate: We, 07.September.11, 0:19 AM | Message # 5
Major general
Group: Checked
Messages: 278
Status: Off
Sure, why not? It's a collab after all biggrin

The wastelands are a brilliant place to live. Nobody looks for you if you live there.
You're like a frozen cactus.
EquinoxDate: We, 07.September.11, 0:23 AM | Message # 6
Galaxy conquering warlord who likes to RP
Group: Administrators
Messages: 5940
Status: Off
Alright, what kind of ideas are you looking for? War story line, character plot ideas, etc.

A sane man in an insane world will go insane.
NevermoreDate: We, 07.September.11, 0:47 AM | Message # 7
Major general
Group: Checked
Messages: 278
Status: Off
Well, I had this idea for the story whilst talking to my friend on a flashchat, and he likes it. I would like to do something with Dryvan though. That's the only one that doesn't have a story yet. Dx

The mountains of Rykar stood unchanging for millienia, seperating the contienant in two countries. To the west of the chain lies Imaginor, to the east, The Realms of Nightshade, where the King of the Eternal Night fights with the leader of the rebel faction, Iron Shield. It was here, in the realms of Imaginor where the Iron Shield was given birth to. They, in ancient times, sought to over throw the bespotic mage king, known as Shadow. It was here, that with the help of the Iron Shield, that Jinx Nightingale defeated the Chfar, and Jinx became the first Nightingale King since Shadow became the king.

King Nightingale's realm stretched from it's capital, the Citadel of the Sun, (Once known has the Citadel of Shadows), through the forests of Keltoria in the north, and all the way to the ocean of Modeceo, whom which if crossed, will lead to the realm of the Chevailer, a realm of Knights, and Freelances, built on chivalry and one's honor. The Nightingales power also reached west to the frozen peaks of Yukonia, were if one were to cross, they would discover the realm of the Chon (a place where your clan's honor was put first), and cross yet another sea, and one would discover Dyrva, which held the greatest amount of mages and wizards. But the Nightingale's power ended at the Yukonian Mountains, but not it's influence, as was evident in the many treaties with the various Chon clans, and the agreement with the Dryvans, to send all the magic users there to train with them.

To the east, as the crow flies, above the Dark Forests of Verslie were the land was once ruled by a wise and just family, until a Hero and his Twin were split asunder by a wandering Gyspy, the same Versile where the Imp of Frost held the riddle to the Hero's sword which was Lost. The same Versile where the Midnight Tower thrusts up in the middle of the Dark Forest like an ugly and gnarled finger, a final tribute to the Draconian Demon King. It is there, in that Dark Forest, in which the monsters of the land reside. Further east, the mountains of Rykar again, and there is where the Throne's power ended, for the King of the Eternal Night had no wish to have anything to do with the Imaginorian peoples.

For three hundred centuries, the land remained this way, passing from Nightingale to a Tyrant and back to the Diabloushawkes, an illegitamate line of Nightingales. They had no idea of their past heritage until Bran Diabloushawke chanced in his attic an ancient note written in the Tongue of Oracalur, a language only understandable and comprhenisble by a Nightingale or Diaboulshawke. He lead a three year rebellion and overthrew the corrupt tyrant who had arose from the dark Versilian forest. Then a great cataclysm shook the continent and it's surrounding lands. The line of the Diabloushawkes had died out, the last king providing no sons or daughters to take the throne. A great civil war rose up called the Great Succession War, and in the end John Vrayden took the throne, and he renamed the lands Vraydenland. He sent a group of settlers to the north and they founded a new nation, an independant nation known has Nordhiem. This caused another Civil War, the Thousand Generations war, the war whose meaning was lost to both sides, by the end of the war, which ended in an unknown man, now called the Titan of Thunder who destroyed the city single handedly. The city of Nordhiem was saved by a strange and mysterious Titan of Fire known also has Baelrtoh the Sandquake of the Kalagoth Clan, in the Lost Oasis, a continent far to the south and west, farther then Chevillier, farther then Chon. A newly discovered trade route from a Nordhiem Port however, has allowed the Nordhiemers to send a gift to the Titan of Fire. The ship chosen to carry the gifts was the merchant ship, the Rouge of Eights. They are eager to see where their saviour came from. They were shocked to discover a desert at the other end of the sea. But never the less, they would use their coins to buy a caravan and travel deep into desert, to find the Kalagoths, and give them their gifts.

The wastelands are a brilliant place to live. Nobody looks for you if you live there.
You're like a frozen cactus.
EquinoxDate: We, 07.September.11, 10:54 AM | Message # 8
Galaxy conquering warlord who likes to RP
Group: Administrators
Messages: 5940
Status: Off
I'm kinda in a rush today, so which one of those four paragraphs do I need to look into? Also, if you need a good story or characters, just ask. Mass scale war, resistance vs overlord, death tournament, anything.

A sane man in an insane world will go insane.
NevermoreDate: We, 07.September.11, 11:58 PM | Message # 9
Major general
Group: Checked
Messages: 278
Status: Off
Well, the main one you should looke at is this last one, though it helps if you look at the others too, lol.

The wastelands are a brilliant place to live. Nobody looks for you if you live there.
You're like a frozen cactus.
EquinoxDate: Th, 08.September.11, 10:41 AM | Message # 10
Galaxy conquering warlord who likes to RP
Group: Administrators
Messages: 5940
Status: Off
Alright, I'll give a few ideas.

My first,

the continuation in war-plot form.

They took up caravans and began their journey, only to be attacked by sand creatures and giant worms. Most of the caravan travelers survived, and the scholars who came with them began writing and surmising ideas on these creatures. How they act, how they react, how they fight, why they fight, how they give birth, what keeps them alive, the important things. They eventually made it out of wild monster territory, only to come across a grand city filled with many people just like their savior. And, at the gallows, sits their savior, being accused of treason. He was minutes away from a swift death, when his line of sight comes across the arriving caravan, and some odd shapes following them, which disappear into the billowing sands upon his sight catching them.

And upon the war plot, I have the combat plot, and the end game plot.

The combat plot.

The warriors of the caravan rush into the city, entering massive combat with the outnumbered titans, although the titans are far stronger, multiple soldiers on each titan made it hard, them being distracted from a soldier going for a death stab or a disabling blow. Eventually, their savior titan breaks free, and helps them escape. They retreat to a small town near the ocean they came from, and regroup. This, no doubt, would come back to bring them to their knees. They sent a few scouts back across the ocean to bring back support, for they knew this would ,no doubt, bring upon their demise. After a few monster attacks and bandit raids in the following month or two, a massive amount of boats hit the sands. Out come soldiers and tools of war of all kinds. They look across the sands towards the distant town of the titans, only for a titan of the sands to come to challenge them.

This, is where you come in, soldier.

The end game plot continuation.

And the blade drops, beheading the titan, a red orb coming from his missing head cavity. The executioner titan takes the orb, and puts it in a thick transparent light blue glass box, with black frames. Another masked titan takes it, and walks off with it. No doubt the orb would help them. The titans spot the caravan and attack them, wiping out most of the caravan, the rest of it escaping back across the ocean. If you thought the titans would bring the heat, you thought right.

The titans came across the ocean at a unknown time. In the middle of the night they attacked the nearest coastal town of Janskabar, destroying it all. By this time, the scholars have gotten info on the titans and sand monsters all around the country-side, the info spreading world-wide in a matter of months. By time the info is all over the world, the titans have already destroyed five more towns. Minka, Meenkata, Respar, Quisk, and Truds.

And this is where you come in. How will you retaliate, how will you fight? Will you fight? If you don't, the end of the entire human race may be at hand. Make a wise decision, for it may be your final one.

A sane man in an insane world will go insane.
NevermoreDate: Th, 08.September.11, 9:32 PM | Message # 11
Major general
Group: Checked
Messages: 278
Status: Off
Quote (Equinox)
the continuation in war-plot form.

They took up caravans and began their journey, only to be attacked by sand creatures and giant worms. Most of the caravan travelers survived, and the scholars who came with them began writing and surmising ideas on these creatures. How they act, how they react, how they fight, why they fight, how they give birth, what keeps them alive, the important things. They eventually made it out of wild monster territory, only to come across a grand city filled with many people just like their savior. And, at the gallows, sits their savior, being accused of treason. He was minutes away from a swift death, when his line of sight comes across the arriving caravan, and some odd shapes following them, which disappear into the billowing sands upon his sight catching them.

And upon the war plot, I have the combat plot, and the end game plot.

The combat plot.

The warriors of the caravan rush into the city, entering massive combat with the outnumbered titans, although the titans are far stronger, multiple soldiers on each titan made it hard, them being distracted from a soldier going for a death stab or a disabling blow. Eventually, their savior titan breaks free, and helps them escape. They retreat to a small town near the ocean they came from, and regroup. This, no doubt, would come back to bring them to their knees. They sent a few scouts back across the ocean to bring back support, for they knew this would ,no doubt, bring upon their demise. After a few monster attacks and bandit raids in the following month or two, a massive amount of boats hit the sands. Out come soldiers and tools of war of all kinds. They look across the sands towards the distant town of the titans, only for a titan of the sands to come to challenge them.

This, is where you come in, soldier.

The end game plot continuation.

And the blade drops, beheading the titan, a red orb coming from his missing head cavity. The executioner titan takes the orb, and puts it in a thick transparent light blue glass box, with black frames. Another masked titan takes it, and walks off with it. No doubt the orb would help them. The titans spot the caravan and attack them, wiping out most of the caravan, the rest of it escaping back across the ocean. If you thought the titans would bring the heat, you thought right.

The titans came across the ocean at a unknown time. In the middle of the night they attacked the nearest coastal town of Janskabar, destroying it all. By this time, the scholars have gotten info on the titans and sand monsters all around the country-side, the info spreading world-wide in a matter of months. By time the info is all over the world, the titans have already destroyed five more towns. Minka, Meenkata, Respar, Quisk, and Truds.

And this is where you come in. How will you retaliate, how will you fight? Will you fight? If you don't, the end of the entire human race may be at hand. Make a wise decision, for it may be your final one

It would work, except Baelroth isn't very likely to be at the gallows, because he's the leader of the Kalagoths.

The wastelands are a brilliant place to live. Nobody looks for you if you live there.
You're like a frozen cactus.
EquinoxDate: Th, 08.September.11, 11:16 PM | Message # 12
Galaxy conquering warlord who likes to RP
Group: Administrators
Messages: 5940
Status: Off
Mmm, I suppose we can replace him with a random kalagoth.

...Why do the kalagoths make me think of the visigoths?

A sane man in an insane world will go insane.
NevermoreDate: Th, 08.September.11, 11:54 PM | Message # 13
Major general
Group: Checked
Messages: 278
Status: Off
I don't know. 'goth' I guess.

The wastelands are a brilliant place to live. Nobody looks for you if you live there.
You're like a frozen cactus.
EquinoxDate: Fr, 09.September.11, 10:35 AM | Message # 14
Galaxy conquering warlord who likes to RP
Group: Administrators
Messages: 5940
Status: Off
Well then, Which one of the divisions do you want to work with?

A sane man in an insane world will go insane.
NevermoreDate: Fr, 09.September.11, 9:17 PM | Message # 15
Major general
Group: Checked
Messages: 278
Status: Off
Well, lets do a non-war plot, because that's mostly what Imaginor has been, and quiet frankly, it's been dull.

The wastelands are a brilliant place to live. Nobody looks for you if you live there.
You're like a frozen cactus.
EquinoxDate: Fr, 09.September.11, 9:49 PM | Message # 16
Galaxy conquering warlord who likes to RP
Group: Administrators
Messages: 5940
Status: Off
Alright get help from someone else then, I can't remember the non-violent plot I had remembered.

A sane man in an insane world will go insane.
NevermoreDate: Sa, 10.September.11, 4:21 PM | Message # 17
Major general
Group: Checked
Messages: 278
Status: Off
Hmm... I want to do something with the caravan. It would be more questy then anything. You'd all be set has a member of the caravan, fighting against random encounters, bosses, and sometimes even random events (something breaks, somebody goes crazy because of the desert heat, etc, etc.)

The wastelands are a brilliant place to live. Nobody looks for you if you live there.
You're like a frozen cactus.
EquinoxDate: Su, 11.September.11, 9:21 AM | Message # 18
Galaxy conquering warlord who likes to RP
Group: Administrators
Messages: 5940
Status: Off
So basically, it's going to be like a game. Like frontier? [If you don't know it, go play it. Just look it up, it's a regular game.]

A sane man in an insane world will go insane.
NevermoreDate: Mo, 12.September.11, 9:13 PM | Message # 19
Major general
Group: Checked
Messages: 278
Status: Off
More oregon trail-ish. (Oh lord, if you don't know what that is I feel old.)

The wastelands are a brilliant place to live. Nobody looks for you if you live there.
You're like a frozen cactus.
EquinoxDate: Mo, 12.September.11, 10:44 PM | Message # 20
Galaxy conquering warlord who likes to RP
Group: Administrators
Messages: 5940
Status: Off
Isn't that a CD game? My friend samuel had a game named that just like your description, I just couldn't remember the name of it, so I went with the next best thing.

A sane man in an insane world will go insane.
NevermoreDate: Mo, 12.September.11, 11:51 PM | Message # 21
Major general
Group: Checked
Messages: 278
Status: Off
Oregon Trail is basically your on a wagon train heading to Oregon on the Oregon Trail, you have to survive random encounters with stuff, as well as innovative puzzles to solve to cross the trail. The goal is to get to the settlement without dieing. x3

The wastelands are a brilliant place to live. Nobody looks for you if you live there.
You're like a frozen cactus.
EquinoxDate: Tu, 13.September.11, 9:30 AM | Message # 22
Galaxy conquering warlord who likes to RP
Group: Administrators
Messages: 5940
Status: Off
I know what it is.


OK in all seriousness, it IS a CD game isn't it?

A sane man in an insane world will go insane.
NevermoreDate: Su, 18.September.11, 4:44 PM | Message # 23
Major general
Group: Checked
Messages: 278
Status: Off
Floppy disk orginally.
Yes I think it would blend.

Added (18.September.11, 2:44 PM)
Okay, all I need right now are some monsters, and some side quest ideas.

The wastelands are a brilliant place to live. Nobody looks for you if you live there.
You're like a frozen cactus.
EquinoxDate: Su, 18.September.11, 5:53 PM | Message # 24
Galaxy conquering warlord who likes to RP
Group: Administrators
Messages: 5940
Status: Off

Death worms
Basically giant worms, with the traditional circle-teeth mouth. They can be born with one row or multiple rows, and develop them all the way down to half-way through their fully grown bodies, full of teeth rows. The other half is the digestional area and the anus. They are very fast, can go through almost anything with good speed, [especially the desert sands, their homelands.] and are violent towards any kind of creature. Although they have a SPECIAL anger towards humans, putting them as the primary targets of attacking, if there happen to be multiple kinds of monsters.

Figures that appear like angels, but only bring mis-fortune, if you challenge them to a fight. Drawing a sword to their presence is considered a challenge. Just like approaching them with a blade or verbally threatening/challenging brings you to the same end of the blade. They are highly honorable and wont kill you if it is just a duel. If you randomly attack them or request a death duel though, they are willing to put you down to the fullest extent. They carry only one blade, which can vary from a dagger, to a greatsword. They have wings and powers just like angels though, except for the holy abilities. They are experts at healing magic and such, but most cannot use magic, but all valkyries have the ability to rapid teleport. But they tend to use patterns, so they don't confuse themselves with guessing what to do next. If you manage to defeat one in a duel, you earn it's respect, and it is willing to fight to the bloody end for you and your cause. You also gain a Valkyrie medal, which, if you come across a Valkyrie, actually grants you respect and protection from Valkyries. They are willing to fight random monsters they see attacking you, to keep you alive. BUT they ARE NOT willing to die for you. If you leave them to die in battle, and they survive, they may intentionally attack you with blood lusting rage. If you come across a Valkyrie royal or the Valkyrie queen, They may sell you goods, Much like a merchant, except they may sell you bodyguards of their race, which are very powerful. Though it comes at the cost of your Valkyrie medal. The warning sign of their approach is they're war cry "VALKYRIES, TO ARMS!", which is a sign of imminent attack.

The gentle stereotype creature that heals people freely. If you are lucky enough to come across one and have injured, sick, or mortally wounded, they may heal them all up, along with giving you directions and/or protection. They resemble Valkyries, but have healing powers, and a large amount of them don't carry weapons. They are highly adept in magic though.

I can list a few more if you want.

A sane man in an insane world will go insane.
NevermoreDate: Su, 18.September.11, 8:26 PM | Message # 25
Major general
Group: Checked
Messages: 278
Status: Off
Go ahead. When we have a big enough beastiary, I'll post it.

The wastelands are a brilliant place to live. Nobody looks for you if you live there.
You're like a frozen cactus.