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The Surprise War
NarutardDate: Su, 26.January.14, 12:41 PM | Message # 1
The Reaper of Threads
Group: Co-Dictators
Messages: 57234
Status: Off
No one saw it coming when it did, no one still understands what exactly is happening, just that war has begun. A small war, between Russia and Britain, nothing too "of concern," so on carried normal life in America. On carries our normal lives.

You're at student at Lockwood Highschool in Bakersfield California. I will control major events. We're staring mid-week on Wednesday.

Age: (14-18)
School year:
Appearance: (this is a highschool)
Items: (again, highschool. No weapons)

Tis now the very witching time of night when hell itself breathes contagion
Ilovedogs2Date: Su, 26.January.14, 1:42 PM | Message # 2
A bored admin
Group: Co-Dictators
Messages: 35950
Status: Off
(I'm trying to keep up with my life and a new thread pops up. Joining. :D)

It's time.
NarutardDate: Su, 26.January.14, 1:50 PM | Message # 3
The Reaper of Threads
Group: Co-Dictators
Messages: 57234
Status: Off
(At least someone!!!)

Tis now the very witching time of night when hell itself breathes contagion
Dillon0909Date: Su, 26.January.14, 1:59 PM | Message # 4
Group: Administrators
Messages: 34688
Status: Off
(Changed my mind. Mostly because I remeber that I really liked my Senior year in highschool XD)
Name: Lyle Inagra
Age: 18
Apperance:6'7. 320lbs, glasses, owns a military jacket that he wears constatnly, t-shirts, jeans blue or black pending, a watch, and black strapped tenis shoes. Scraggy bed headed hair, and blue eyes.
INtrests: Supernatural stuff, Pirates, Mafia, Disney Villain Songs, Writing, Rock Music,  Jazz Music, Comic Books, Movies, and Internet Critics
Bio: Lyle is a transfer student from Omaha Nebraska, after his mother moved to California with him and his sister. He's realitivly quiet, only speaking up to awnser questions. He's a bit odd, and kind of an outcast.
Items: A watch, Backpack with school supplies, his house keys, and a laynyard he never wears
Extra:This was basically me in highschool, except for the transfering stuff.

I love Spooky Crap :D
NarutardDate: Su, 26.January.14, 8:58 PM | Message # 5
The Reaper of Threads
Group: Co-Dictators
Messages: 57234
Status: Off
Name: Damien Ryork
Age: 17
School Year: Senior
Appearance: http://shilkefair.deviantart.com/art/waiting-for-the-rain-273421874
Interests: Programming, video games, hacking, pirating, composing music
Bio: Damien moved to California at the semester turn of his senior year from Essex, England. He's reserved in himself, but a smiley and joking sort. Everyone is fascinated with him and his accent.
Items: A tablet, his satchel, glasses, the keys to his motorcycle and house.

Name: Annie Cecil
Age: 16
School Year: Junior
Appearance (Attach.)
Interests: Drawing, running, and secretly, she loves shooting
Bio: Annie has lived in Bakersfield since she was born. She's a rebellious girl, slightly selfish, but with everyone's best interest in mind. 
Items: Her book bag, her sketchbook, her cell phone and heelys
Attachments: 9122282.jpg (136.1 Kb)

Tis now the very witching time of night when hell itself breathes contagion
Creation100Date: Su, 26.January.14, 9:25 PM | Message # 6
Group: Moderators
Messages: 3195
Status: Off
Name: Valren (Douchin) Lee Mitchels
Age: 17
School year: Douche bag AKA Senior guy.
Appearance: (this is a highschool. So raging sexual imagery? Huehue) Tanned 6'2 lean arse-munch with a balanced face. His disdained glasses are squared and often he has to push them up, which adds to his overly confident image. He typically wears zip up jackets over a white t-shirt and kaki pants with sneakers. Smug prick.
Interests: Himself, running, astronomy, himself, food, anime, martial arts, himself, animals, video games, himself, mystical topics, and health
Bio: Valren is rather self righteous and doesn't like to talk to other people. His family are wealthy set people and don't really talk much. Valren doesn't mind talking to his sister, she introduced him to martial arts.
Items: Secret wand of doom AKA. Smart phone also carries: Leather wallet filled with contacts and pictures.
Extra: He works at a Nursing home as an assistant nurse.

She had a smile that could light up a room.
NarutardDate: Su, 26.January.14, 10:06 PM | Message # 7
The Reaper of Threads
Group: Co-Dictators
Messages: 57234
Status: Off
(Erebody accepted, waiting for ILD and maybe one other)

Tis now the very witching time of night when hell itself breathes contagion
AnchorageDate: Su, 26.January.14, 10:56 PM | Message # 8
Colonel general
Group: Users
Messages: 1347
Status: Off
Name: Martin Foster
Age: 16
School year: Junior
Appearance: http://i.imgur.com/7s5rieb.png
Interests: Skateboarding, Art, Music, and having fun
Bio: Martin was born in California, only a few miles from Bakersfield. His mom's workplace has relocated so because it's just him and his dad, after a quick move they began living in Bakersfield. He since has lived here for around 10 years, and enjoys everything about the town. He's a usually outgoing person, but that can cause awkward situations
Items: Laptop, Phone, Small Cruiser to get around on, normal skateboard he keeps at home

let's camp in the forest with harmonicas and nature's harmonies
Ilovedogs2Date: Mo, 27.January.14, 0:45 AM | Message # 9
A bored admin
Group: Co-Dictators
Messages: 35950
Status: Off
(welp here's my official version of how senior life is going on.)

Name: Samantha Zetsui
Age: 17 (close to 18)
School year: SENIOR!!!!!!!!
Appearance: (thank goodness I'm at home, or school will ban da) http://www.deviantart.com/art....6937642
Interests: swimming, writing short stories, practicing violin, sleeping, finding new food to eat, video games (pokemon x, mk7), helping others, karate,
Bio: Samantha was borne and lived in the hub bub capital of Cali, Sacramento. However her family moved to Bakersfield when she was 10 due to the father's change of work. She likes Bakersfield, but she would like to return to Sacramento for college. Throughout her continue practice, she's now a black belt in karate and swiims for a team outside of school.
Items: phone, keys to cars and home, book bag, a book
Extra: I'll think of something on the way

It's time.
NarutardDate: Mo, 27.January.14, 0:52 AM | Message # 10
The Reaper of Threads
Group: Co-Dictators
Messages: 57234
Status: Off
(Woooooooooo! Starting tomorrow)

Tis now the very witching time of night when hell itself breathes contagion
EquinoxDate: Mo, 27.January.14, 11:45 AM | Message # 11
Galaxy conquering warlord who likes to RP
Group: Administrators
Messages: 5940
Status: Off
(Considering joining, I know you've got good ideas planned for this, but I don't know if I'll survive my disdain for school threads.)

A sane man in an insane world will go insane.
NarutardDate: Mo, 27.January.14, 6:08 PM | Message # 12
The Reaper of Threads
Group: Co-Dictators
Messages: 57234
Status: Off
(I promise, it'll be a school thread for about 2, 3 pages, and then it'll be a school thread no longer)

Tis now the very witching time of night when hell itself breathes contagion
EquinoxDate: Mo, 27.January.14, 6:18 PM | Message # 13
Galaxy conquering warlord who likes to RP
Group: Administrators
Messages: 5940
Status: Off
(Then I'll join soon.)

A sane man in an insane world will go insane.
Creation100Date: Mo, 27.January.14, 6:26 PM | Message # 14
Group: Moderators
Messages: 3195
Status: Off
(Why couldn't you handle it? Love hate relations of friends stabbing others in the back. Just typical life in a condensed society. Lawdy)

She had a smile that could light up a room.
NarutardDate: Mo, 27.January.14, 7:54 PM | Message # 15
The Reaper of Threads
Group: Co-Dictators
Messages: 57234
Status: Off
I sat in my desk in the back of the class, tapping my pencil on the desk as I zoned out over the student news. War blah blah America blah blah, who cares? I pulled out my tablet, tapping out some figures.

I was drawing quietly, not really listening to the news playing over top of everyone else. No one was really paying attention anyways. I sketched the outline of a face, biting my lip.

Tis now the very witching time of night when hell itself breathes contagion
Dillon0909Date: Mo, 27.January.14, 8:11 PM | Message # 16
Group: Administrators
Messages: 34688
Status: Off
I was busy working on doodling my comic that I started in the fourth grade. The many Adventures of Stickman
I was on Saga 10 the Betrayal
(Naru already knwos this cause I posted it on superhero rp but...I'll say it again. I made a new thread)

I love Spooky Crap :D
Creation100Date: Mo, 27.January.14, 8:33 PM | Message # 17
Group: Moderators
Messages: 3195
Status: Off

I dig into my bag of chocolate not really caring of the class around me. I suddenly respond to the teacher, "The Hypothalamus." She looks at me and nods, "Yes, the Hypothalamus connects the endocrine and Nervous systems together, Good job, Valren!" Ms. Dorsal praises. I simply eat my delights.

She had a smile that could light up a room.
AnchorageDate: Mo, 27.January.14, 8:35 PM | Message # 18
Colonel general
Group: Users
Messages: 1347
Status: Off

I look around the room, seeing nearly everyone was paying attention to everything that isn't the lesson. Does the teacher just not notice? Might as well hop on the bandwagon, I pull out my phone.

let's camp in the forest with harmonicas and nature's harmonies
NarutardDate: Mo, 27.January.14, 8:44 PM | Message # 19
The Reaper of Threads
Group: Co-Dictators
Messages: 57234
Status: Off
Mr. Brunson turned off the student news and launched into his lecture about why the Germans were responsible for the new war. I rolled my eyes.

I sighed. Always with the Germans, Mr. Brunson, always with the Germans.

Tis now the very witching time of night when hell itself breathes contagion
EquinoxDate: Mo, 27.January.14, 8:46 PM | Message # 20
Galaxy conquering warlord who likes to RP
Group: Administrators
Messages: 5940
Status: Off
Name: Nick Alleron
Age: (14-18) 18
School year: Senior
Appearance: short Brown hair above his ears, Caucasian, brown eyes, 6'2, somewhat noticeably built, Plain blue T-shirt, black sweat pants, white tennis shoes.
Interests: Sports, fighting video games, action filled books, Rhinos, and anything listed under the female gender.
Bio: Nick is a bit a sports jock. His family isn't the rich type, but they have enough money that he's a very active person. Playing games on open days, reading books on the way to sports practice, and actively participating in as many non-conflicting sports as possible, he's the sort of person most people dislike, even though he's not a rude sort of guy.  He avoids alcohol and drugs on the fact that he doesn't want any risk at not getting a sports career, and he likes to help people, even if it is just to boost his somewhat large ego. A bit of a "If you can't keep up, I'll help you learn to keep up" guy, he can get annoying when it comes to helping someone learn or do something. His ego doubles this fact, making him a very annoying person to get on the wrong side of, and still annoying to be on the right side of. Because of his ego, he acts like a womanizer, despite his amassing failures to hold a real relationship.
Items: A book bag with a book, a bag of multiple games for his small handheld, the charger to the handheld, and a couple of books and notes needed for classes.
Extra: He's not the brightest, but he's not THAT stupid either.

A sane man in an insane world will go insane.
AnchorageDate: Mo, 27.January.14, 8:48 PM | Message # 21
Colonel general
Group: Users
Messages: 1347
Status: Off

The dude's gotta be racist.

let's camp in the forest with harmonicas and nature's harmonies
Dillon0909Date: Mo, 27.January.14, 8:48 PM | Message # 22
Group: Administrators
Messages: 34688
Status: Off
I said to Mr. Brunson "You do know that I'm german on my mother's side right?"

I love Spooky Crap :D
NarutardDate: Mo, 27.January.14, 9:01 PM | Message # 23
The Reaper of Threads
Group: Co-Dictators
Messages: 57234
Status: Off
"Dude, he doesn't care, he's 87," I mumbled as I snickered. Mr. Brunson rambled on, ignoring him. "He can't even hear us, his hearing aide is off."

I chuckled as I began hacking his computer.

Tis now the very witching time of night when hell itself breathes contagion
Creation100Date: Mo, 27.January.14, 9:06 PM | Message # 24
Group: Moderators
Messages: 3195
Status: Off

I began checking my phone for messages, only some simple chick. Sara. "Hey:)" I read I didn't bother to reply, I just started playing Plague Inc.

She had a smile that could light up a room.
AnchorageDate: Mo, 27.January.14, 9:10 PM | Message # 25
Colonel general
Group: Users
Messages: 1347
Status: Off

I turn to my right, asking Annie "How much longer do we have?".

let's camp in the forest with harmonicas and nature's harmonies