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Star Wars RP
Dillon0909Date: We, 28.September.11, 6:57 PM | Message # 1
Group: Administrators
Messages: 34688
Status: Off
In a period of Galactic Cival war the Empire and Rebellion forces have battled at a stand still. Now in a moment of a tie, who will emerge victorious

Class(Trooper, Jedi, Sith,Smuggler, Bounty Hunter, Entertainer, Spy,Civillain)
Alliance: (Rebellion or Empire or Neutral)
Weapon(Blaster or Lightsaber)
Force Powers(Jedi or Sith only)
Race(Wookie, Human, Ewok,Zarbrak, Tordarrian, Twilik, Gungan)
Dillon0909Date: Fr, 07.October.11, 0:31 AM | Message # 26
Group: Administrators
Messages: 34688
Status: Off
(lol true true. Do you need to know anymore about Star Wars than the two factions?)


"We all have duties to do mam." I said sighing "Also, a bizzare question but have you see someone a light saber?"
Ilovedogs2Date: Fr, 07.October.11, 0:38 AM | Message # 27
A bored admin
Group: Co-Dictators
Messages: 35950
Status: Off
(nah. Just reading wikipedia right now.)


"no. Why though?" I said pulling out my id.
Dillon0909Date: Fr, 07.October.11, 0:42 AM | Message # 28
Group: Administrators
Messages: 34688
Status: Off

"Just there's been some reports of some one using one around the area." I said checking the I.D. "Sorry Mam, this I.D. has expired, a class 5 penalty no big deal. I'll just report your situation to my commanding officer, and he'll give you the go ahead to get a new one." I then sighed "Imperial Regulations forbid me to let you go about your day, so...I'm sorry but you have to stand next to me for the next hour."
Ilovedogs2Date: Fr, 07.October.11, 0:48 AM | Message # 29
A bored admin
Group: Co-Dictators
Messages: 35950
Status: Off

"damn I got the wrong id. Thanks mom for replacing my new one somewhere else." I muttered.
Dillon0909Date: Fr, 07.October.11, 0:51 AM | Message # 30
Group: Administrators
Messages: 34688
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I looked at her and said "Private Oreac Vano, Mos Eisly Division Bar Guard, what's your name?"
Ilovedogs2Date: Fr, 07.October.11, 0:57 AM | Message # 31
A bored admin
Group: Co-Dictators
Messages: 35950
Status: Off

Not only is this humilating but annoying. "give me a sec." I said as I spied my little sister snooping around. "give me back my fricking id." I said as I approached her. "now!" She fished out my real id and slunk away. I sighed as I walked back to the private. "sorry. She's been around my stuff for some reason."
Dillon0909Date: Fr, 07.October.11, 0:59 AM | Message # 32
Group: Administrators
Messages: 34688
Status: Off

I looked at this one and said "All clear, by the way...why won't you just give me your name?"
Ilovedogs2Date: Fr, 07.October.11, 1:02 AM | Message # 33
A bored admin
Group: Co-Dictators
Messages: 35950
Status: Off

"mom always taught us not to...unless is an emergency or something." I said shrugging. I'm having that little talk with my little sister. I told her to keep away from my stuff especially my id.
Dillon0909Date: Fr, 07.October.11, 1:07 AM | Message # 34
Group: Administrators
Messages: 34688
Status: Off

"That seems alittle...interesting." I said slowly reaching for something "Why would your mother be so concerned about your name? It's just a name." I had my hand on my blaster which was still set for stun, just incase.
Ilovedogs2Date: Fr, 07.October.11, 1:12 AM | Message # 35
A bored admin
Group: Co-Dictators
Messages: 35950
Status: Off

I sighed and said, "family problems right now. Arguments left and right. But anyways silicy johnson." I threw a dirty look at my sister and she finally ran off.
Dillon0909Date: Fr, 07.October.11, 1:21 AM | Message # 36
Group: Administrators
Messages: 34688
Status: Off

I put my hand down "Thank you Sicily." I heard my comlink going off and I turned it on. "Private Vano here, go ahead." A reather professional voice came on "Private, your identity scanner has revealed something shocking. That woman you are inspecting is infact, an Alliance Member, her I.D. that she gave you was for Alliance bases. Detain that Rebel Scum in the name of the Empire."

I nodded turned and she was GONE!?
Ilovedogs2Date: Fr, 07.October.11, 1:26 AM | Message # 37
A bored admin
Group: Co-Dictators
Messages: 35950
Status: Off

F. Not only that but she freaking stole the wrong ID too. Thanks sis for blowing my cover off. I sighed and screamed in my head for my stupidity. Yeah. I'm going to get killed now. I wonder who my dad or them. huh. I continued walking.
Dillon0909Date: Fr, 07.October.11, 1:29 AM | Message # 38
Group: Administrators
Messages: 34688
Status: Off

I ran off, and cut her off with my blaster pointed at her face. "Don't move in the name of the Empire. Get on the ground now."
Ilovedogs2Date: Fr, 07.October.11, 1:32 AM | Message # 39
A bored admin
Group: Co-Dictators
Messages: 35950
Status: Off

"you know what's more interesting? You being a total idiot." I said smiling as my lightsaber was suddenly in my hands. "good thing I trained myself this morning anyways."
Dillon0909Date: Fr, 07.October.11, 1:38 AM | Message # 40
Group: Administrators
Messages: 34688
Status: Off

"And good thing for you, it's on stun." I said firing a blue ring stunning her out cold. I walked to her and cuffed her taking her away to the Mos Eisly Base.
Ilovedogs2Date: Fr, 07.October.11, 1:41 AM | Message # 41
A bored admin
Group: Co-Dictators
Messages: 35950
Status: Off
(yada can't post.)
Dillon0909Date: Fr, 07.October.11, 1:49 AM | Message # 42
Group: Administrators
Messages: 34688
Status: Off

I walked her in the base and saluted as my Commanding officer. Commander Bareetz walked to me. He looked at her and said "Nice work Private Vano." He looked at her again and said "Not only catching a Rebel, but what looks like to me, a Jedi as well. I shall relay this message to Lord Vader, and we can talk about you finally being put in the 501st Legion."

If I could I would have spit taked 'That's VADER"S FIST! The Elite Tropper Class, under the direct command of Lord Vader himself...Commander...this...this is an honor."

Commander just sighed and said "Yes yes, I said it was possible, not a gauntee. If you want in...well as you put it, Vader's Fist. You might earn more of a case if you personally interogate her."

I saluted and said "Sir, I will and you can tell Lord Vader that personally." I walked in a closed off room where she had cuffs on that restrained her force powers. I looked at her and said "I'll make this short and sweet. Where is the Alliance base on Tatooine?"

(I will never say the M word George created...I think that is the dumbest thing I have ever heard of)
Ilovedogs2Date: Fr, 07.October.11, 1:52 AM | Message # 43
A bored admin
Group: Co-Dictators
Messages: 35950
Status: Off

"oh pft! Nowhere." Isaid.
Dillon0909Date: Fr, 07.October.11, 1:57 AM | Message # 44
Group: Administrators
Messages: 34688
Status: Off

"Look, I don't know if you've heard lady, but Imperial Interrogations are notoriously brutal. Now just tell me where that base is, so we can just have you placed in a cell till the war's over, and not strapped to a hospital bed the rest of your life."
Ilovedogs2Date: Fr, 07.October.11, 2:03 AM | Message # 45
A bored admin
Group: Co-Dictators
Messages: 35950
Status: Off

"you know what? There is one thing well advice I should tell you. I would rather die than tell you." I said.
Dillon0909Date: Fr, 07.October.11, 2:06 AM | Message # 46
Group: Administrators
Messages: 34688
Status: Off

I sighed "You wouldn't be the first I heard say that." I said putting my blaster on the table. "However, my Commander always made them say everything he wanted to hear." I turned my blaster from stun to damage and said "Now, am I gonna have to do that to you now, mam."
Ilovedogs2Date: Fr, 07.October.11, 7:39 PM | Message # 47
A bored admin
Group: Co-Dictators
Messages: 35950
Status: Off

"oh try me." I said smirking.
Dillon0909Date: Fr, 07.October.11, 11:44 PM | Message # 48
Group: Administrators
Messages: 34688
Status: Off

I picked up the blaster and shot her foot.
Ilovedogs2Date: Fr, 07.October.11, 11:48 PM | Message # 49
A bored admin
Group: Co-Dictators
Messages: 35950
Status: Off

I yawned as I side-stepped around it. Now to find where I put my lightsaber. Ugh. Where was it?
Dillon0909Date: Fr, 07.October.11, 11:52 PM | Message # 50
Group: Administrators
Messages: 34688
Status: Off

While she was distracted, her own lightsaber peirce her foot. "Looking for something?" I said pulling it out and turning it off. "Now thne, let's chat."